All Blog Posts (6,928)

Helping Students Deal with Uncertainty in the Classroom BY BEN JOHNSON

Helping Students Deal with Uncertainty in the Classroom



I did an experiment with a group of adult educators. I gave them very vague instructions on how to arrange groups. The goal was that each educator would participate in four different groups. I told them that the composition of each group had to be different. Some of the adults were willing to work it out, trial and error even. Others would get to a point and then realize that they did not… Continue

Added by Michael Keany on August 17, 2011 at 3:31pm — No Comments

To Waive or not to Waive by former U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings

This is the first of a series of posts former U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings is writing for The Huffington Post over the next few weeks through back-to-school season on U.S. Education.

Hopelessness and lack of confidence, spending dominating policymaking conversations, angst at all levels of government, and a public disgusted, disconnected and disappointed -- descriptors of our current economic situation? No, (well yes), they're descriptors of the current…


Added by Michael Keany on August 17, 2011 at 9:03am — No Comments

The ‘absurd’ debate about length of school year by Mark Phillips

The ‘absurd’ debate about length of school year

This was written by Mark Phillips, professor emeritus of secondary education at …


Added by Michael Keany on August 16, 2011 at 5:09pm — No Comments

Mathematics Education: A Way Forward By David Wees

Mathematics Education: A Way Forward


Added by Michael Keany on August 15, 2011 at 2:37pm — No Comments

Super Teachers Alone Can't Save Our Schools by Steven Brill

Super Teachers Alone Can't Save Our Schools

Extraordinary educators are rare and often burn out. To save our schools, says Steven Brill, we have to demand more from ordinary teachers and their unions.…


Added by Michael Keany on August 15, 2011 at 2:01pm — No Comments

The 6 Dumbest Things Schools Are Doing in the Name of Safety By:Sara J., Steve Blair

The 6 Dumbest Things Schools Are Doing in the Name of Safety

  August 14, 2011 …


Added by Michael Keany on August 15, 2011 at 1:52pm — No Comments

Educational Technology – Truly an Adventure for Everyone!



Dr. Elsa Sophia Morote, Chair of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Technology at Dowling College, describes her quests in keeping up with the continual changes and improvements in educational technology in her blog, Educational Technology, My Personal Adventure.  The analogy to an adventure is perfect because following the rapid advancement in technology is like a trek…


Added by Linda J. Tillinghast on August 12, 2011 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Value Added — Scrutinizing The Most Widely Cited Study by Gary Rubinstein

Value Added — Scrutinizing The Most Widely Cited Study

by Gary Rubinstein

It was the best of teachers. It was the worst of teachers.

But how much better are the best teachers than the worst teachers? Well THAT’S a tough one, but one that is very important to answer. The corporate reformers believe that the gap is great so a feasible solution is to fire those bad teachers.

Now, nobody who ever had more than two teachers in their lives would argue that there is no… Continue

Added by Michael Keany on August 11, 2011 at 3:38pm — No Comments

Lego Block

In my basement, we have an old dresser.  If you were to open any one of the six drawers of this dresser you would have to tug a little because each drawer is filled to the brim and overflowing with Lego.  But that’s not the only place you’ll find Lego in my house.  Bins of Lego can be found tucked behind chairs and stacked neatly (and not-so-neatly) on bookshelves in every room.  And of course, if you look in the heaters and other small crevices of my home, you will find errant pieces and…


Added by Kim Yaris on August 11, 2011 at 3:32pm — No Comments

Ten Tips for New Leaders by Chris Canter

Ten Tips for New Leaders


Formerly a teacher, now an administrator-in-training, Chris Canter blogs about his yearlong assistant principal internship at Fulton County Public Schools in Atlanta, Ga. Canter was a 2010 …


Added by Michael Keany on August 11, 2011 at 1:34pm — No Comments

Just Get Out There By Andrew Marcinek

Just Get Out There

By Andrew Marcinek


Yesterday I was wavering on whether or not to go for a run outside. I hadn't run in awhile and for some reason I was concerned that I would not be able to eclipse the two mile mark. The temperature was a balmy 31 degrees and there was still a thin layer of snow covering the ground. All of the variables in play suggested I stay home. As I continued to devise excuses not to run, someone very special in my life simply said,… Continue

Added by Michael Keany on August 10, 2011 at 7:19pm — No Comments

Why Do You Teach?: What Sustains Us in Our Work By Elena Aguilar

Why Do You Teach?: What Sustains Us in Our Work

By Elena Aguilar


In my previous post [2], I discussed how important it is for me to connect with my students, and how one way I do so is by eliciting their stories.

I also need to make connections with other teachers. So I ask, why do you teach? Most teachers get a dreamy look on their faces when I ask them this question. Most haven't thought about it in a while.

Recalling the reasons why… Continue

Added by Michael Keany on August 10, 2011 at 7:17pm — No Comments

Outstanding in Your Field: What It Takes to Be a Great Teacher By Ben Johnson

Outstanding in Your Field: What It Takes to Be a Great Teacher


Added by Michael Keany on August 10, 2011 at 7:13pm — No Comments

Exciting New Ways to Engage Learners

When I was in school, the teacher spoke, the children listened, and that was that.  As we grew, not much changed . . . the teacher spoke, perhaps used an overhead projector, an occasional film, the children listened, we learned to take notes, and then that was that.
Today, we live in a whole new world.  It's called the age of technology!  Frequently, education is slow to integrate what the rest of the world has been at full…

Added by Linda J. Tillinghast on August 10, 2011 at 5:56pm — No Comments

A Smoothie at the Zoo

In Steven Johnson’s book Where Good Ideas Come From The Natural History of Innovation, he tells the story of a nineteenth century French obstetrician, Stephane Tarnier, who noticed a chicken incubator on a visit to the Paris Zoo.  As he watched the chickens toddle around in the warmth of the device, he thought about the number of babies he delivered that had died.  Those babies had been born too soon and as he watched, he wondered if an incubator was the answer to this problem.  With…


Added by Kim Yaris on August 10, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

Transforming your "To Do" List into a "To LEARN" List

Transforming your "To Do" list into a "To Learn" list

"I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught"  

Quotations by Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill…

Added by Bill Burkhead on August 9, 2011 at 5:30am — 5 Comments

An Open Letter to Principals: Five Leadership Strategies for the New Year By Eric Sheninger

An Open Letter to Principals: Five Leadership Strategies for the New Year

By Eric Sheninger


Eric Sheninger is principal of New Milford High School and the subject of a recent article in USAToday on social media in the classroom. He is the author of Communicating & Connecting With Social Media. You can also follow him on Twitter at NMHS_Prinicipal.

As the calendar turns to August, school leaders across the country are meticulously planning for the… Continue

Added by Michael Keany on August 8, 2011 at 9:38pm — 1 Comment

Before we let them power up in class... By Nancy Flynn

Before we let them power up in class...

When one of our science teachers came to me last spring and told me we didn't have enough headphones to do the online…


Added by Michael Keany on August 8, 2011 at 7:15pm — No Comments

Education Needs a Digital-Age Upgrade By VIRGINIA HEFFERNAN

Education Needs a Digital-Age Upgrade

 NY Times


If you have a child entering grade school this fall,…


Added by Michael Keany on August 8, 2011 at 10:33am — No Comments

Does Social Media Offer PD Or Something More?

#Edchat, as well as about 50 other educational twitterchats, Digital Personal Learning Networks, Online Discussion Groups, Twitter, LinkedIn and a number of other Web 2.0 social media applications are often attributed by educators for offering professional development, or PD. Social Media is also credited with helping the emergence of Edcamps and Teachmeets, as well as online conferences like #140edu Conference and the Reform Symposium Conference. These are all considered by many to be…


Added by Tom Whitby on August 6, 2011 at 2:57pm — No Comments

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