All Blog Posts (6,928)

Live from Parent Night: An Early-Grades Perspective By Maureen Kelleher

Live from Parent Night: An Early-Grades Perspective

In the middle of…


Added by Michael Keany on September 15, 2011 at 2:04pm — No Comments

Key to Improving SAT Scores Could Be Rigorous Curriculum By Caralee Adams

Key to Improving SAT Scores Could Be Rigorous Curriculum

The SAT…


Added by Michael Keany on September 15, 2011 at 2:03pm — No Comments

In the Face of Fear

Today, I’ve been working on organizing and outlining some of the ideas that I have for what I dream will one day become a book for teachers about teaching literacy.  Broad topic, I know.  But right now, I’m in the gathering and envisioning stage of my writing process.  I’m relishing going back through the volumes that I have been collecting over the years and reacquainting with my old thoughts and experiences as a teacher.  I find myself making notes in the margins and asking myself…


Added by Kim Yaris on September 15, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

Respecting Students by Carol Ann Tomlinson


Added by Michael Keany on September 14, 2011 at 1:06pm — No Comments

Can We Teach Children to Love Learning? by Elissa Viggiani

Can We Teach Children to Love Learning?

Posted: 9/13/11 11:24 AM ET
Huffington Post…


Added by Michael Keany on September 14, 2011 at 11:08am — No Comments

Teach Your Parents Well: Teens Teach Their Parents How to Use Tech Wisely by Susan Kaiser Greenland

Teach Your Parents Well: Teens Teach Their Parents How to Use Tech Wisely

Posted: 9/13/11 12:07 AM ET…


Added by Michael Keany on September 14, 2011 at 11:03am — No Comments

Doing More with Less (and Other Practical Educational Technology Tidbits) BY ADAM BELLOW

Doing More with Less (and Other Practical Educational Technology Tidbits)


Added by Michael Keany on September 13, 2011 at 2:07pm — No Comments

The Trouble With Homework By ANNIE MURPHY PAUL

The Trouble With Homework

NY Times

Annie Murphy Paul is the author of “Origins,” who is at work on a new book about the science of learning.

WHEN you think of America’s students, do you picture overworked, stressed-out children bent under backpacks stuffed with textbooks and worksheets? Or do you call to mind glassy-eyed, empty-headed teenagers sitting before computer screens,…


Added by Michael Keany on September 13, 2011 at 2:05pm — No Comments

Five characteristics of an effective 21st-century educator Posted By Meris Stansbury

Five characteristics of an effective 21st-century educator

Posted By Meris Stansbury On September 9, 2011  [1]

"The effective 21st-century teacher will need to be adept in judging the educative and non-educative use of…


Added by Michael Keany on September 12, 2011 at 3:34pm — No Comments

Talking to Kids About 9/11 by Golnar Khosrowshahi

Talking to Kids About 9/11

by  Golnar Khosrowshahi

Posted: 9/9/11 11:09 AM ET…

Added by Michael Keany on September 12, 2011 at 11:04am — No Comments

A Year Later and We Are Still Waiting for Superman by Dr. Matthew Lynch

A Year Later and We Are Still Waiting for Superman

by Dr. Matthew Lynch
Posted: 9/11/11 09:28 PM ET…

Added by Michael Keany on September 12, 2011 at 11:01am — No Comments

Reading that Counts

I read. I read a lot. In fact, I resolved in 2011 to keep track of just how much I read. I have three categories of books that I keep track of, the first being “Personal/Leisure Reading.” These are the books that I read to feed my own need for personal growth and enjoyment and include titles like How to Hug a Porcupine and The Gift of an Ordinary Day. Since January 1, I have read 15 books in this category.

The second category that I keep track of is “Professional Reading.” This is… Continue

Added by Kim Yaris on September 12, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

New teacher evaluation framework promises to serve students, and educators, fairly By Dan Domenech

New teacher evaluation framework promises to serve students, and educators, fairly

By Dan Domenech


"We have seen over the past few months a strong backlash…


Added by Michael Keany on September 9, 2011 at 6:43pm — No Comments

Assessment: Formative, Summative, Punitive?

For the first time since I have been supervising student teachers, I have a group at the start of the year, as opposed to my usual assignment at the latter half of the school year. This has brought to light a subject that I often fought against as a teacher, and now have to counsel student teachers on how best to approach the subject. Summer Reading: how do we assess it?

New York State’s recommendation for reading is that each student completes reading 25 books per year. Most…


Added by Tom Whitby on September 8, 2011 at 12:43pm — 2 Comments

I wanted to share this great opinion article from Newsday yesterday, in case you didn't get to read it....

NY Times OP ed on School Libraries being indispensable....

Here's the link...but I think you need to be a subscriber so I will copy and paste the article as well! …


Added by Pam Calandra on September 7, 2011 at 11:27am — No Comments

Dangerously Irrelevant - Is this the year?

I thought I'd use this space to share a recent blog entry from one of my favorite blogs -  Dangerously Irrelevant  If you aren't following Dr. Scott McLeod already, I'd suggest subscribing to his site.  

By Dr. Scott McLeod (Dangerously Irrelevant)

Dear principal or…


Added by William Brennan, Ed.D. on September 6, 2011 at 8:39pm — No Comments

Let's End the Social Media Debate!

As an educational blogger I would love to think, that once I reflected on an issue in education, and addressed it in my blog, everyone would clearly understand the error of their ways and fall in line according to my sage advice. Of course the reform movement would move forward, and I would expect a small plaque would be placed on a bench in front of the lobby of some school commemorating my great contribution to the system that we call education.

That being said, the reality is…


Added by Tom Whitby on September 1, 2011 at 2:00pm — No Comments


After the earthquake on the East Coast last week, I guess I had the term “Shake-Up” on my mind. I don’t know which I considered first, the title, or the post.  The beginning of the school year has arrived as many of us do every year, I am wondering what I will do differently this year from those same classes that I had last year. This is something that many teachers consider as they enter a new year. It is also something that many teachers do not ultimately address, but rather settle for…


Added by Tom Whitby on August 31, 2011 at 2:03pm — 1 Comment

The Times They Are A-Changin'

Over the course of the last week, I began to notice the days have been getting shorter.  The mornings are cooler.  And the shelves of Target are stocked with boxes of Crayola crayons on sale for forty cents.  I don’t know when all of this happened but I realized with summer fading into the horizon, I better get out there and enjoy its final days before it completely disappears.  So,…


Added by Kim Yaris on August 31, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

What’s the formula for a good school? By Jay Mathews

What’s the formula for a good school?

By Published: August 28

Summer’s gone, almost. It’s time to get serious about fixing our schools.

I had fun in July and August jousting with readers about provocative topics such as teachers making unannounced home visits and getting D.C. schools leaders…


Added by Michael Keany on August 29, 2011 at 12:28pm — No Comments

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