A Network Connecting School Leaders From Around The Globe
Time: October 28, 2011 to October 29, 2011
Location: Marriott Hotel, Melville
Website or Map: http://nystesol.org/annualcon…
Event Type: conference
Organized By: NYSTESOL
Latest Activity: Oct 3, 2011
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NYS TESOL invites you to attend the 41st Annual Conference -- ~ - ~ --
Enhancing English Learning:
Connecting Communities Through Collaboration
October 28-29, 2011
Marriott Hotel - Melville, NY
Invigorate your teaching with words of wisdom from our keynote speakers: Pedro Ruiz, Andrea Honigsfeld, Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth, and Nancy Cloud. There will also be approximately 100 presentations on a variety of topics to choose from. Plus, nearly 40 exhibitors will be displaying their materials and donating items for our raffles on both Friday and Saturday. Join us for a special Kindergarten Dual Language presentation planned for during Friday’s Awards Luncheon and celebrate with us at Friday night’s dinner reception by watching the Sol y Sombra Flamenco Dance presentation.
With all of the changes going on and the challenges we are facing as teachers, it is great to know that we can take time out to refresh ourselves and learn the tools we need to continue to do a great job. We hope that this year’s conference helps enhance the social, emotional, and academic success of our English language learners.
-- ~ - ~ -- Register at http://nystesol.org/annualconf/ -- ~ - ~ --
Christy Baralis Fran Olmos
2nd Vice President Public. Committe Chair
2011 Conference Chair 2011 Reg. Chair
vp2@nystesol.org regischair@nystesol.org
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