We are looking into moving towards a new curriculum mapping program and I am eager to hear what other districts are using. Thank you for your feedback!

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Hi Bill, Curriculum Mapper is one that I am familiar with. Easy to use and they were looking to place a rubric feature in it as well. Web-based (of course). I would like to see if anyone has a matrix they've worked with in the past that might be helpful in evaluating...http://www.clihome.com/cm/
In Garden City, we have been using Atlas, which has come a long way since it was first introduced. It's a very powerful tool, with many options to attach curriculum resources, links, assessments, etc. It now offers an exchange service with other districts, so that adds to its appeal.

To me, mapping is an essential component of curriuclum development and renewal. However, it's not all that popular with teachers, in part because the software at first was somewhat clumsy to use; in part, because it takes some work; and in part because it means opening up what you do to others and sharing, which tends to violate the norms of independence and isolation associated with teaching. Nevertheless, it is too important a tool to push to the side.
From another member, so that all can see it.


I'm doing the gradebook, attendance, lesson planner, and curriculum
mapping. They've converted all of my maps from Atlas.
Bill, We have a few districts purchasing subscriptions to Curricuplan http://www.curricuplan.com/ through W Suffolk BOCES.

Your district may be interested in sending someone to a workshop we're holding here November 6th with Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs. The workshop is focused on curriculum mapping - not a specific tool.

Here is a link to the flyer if interested http://www.wsboces.org/library/pdfs/iss1804.pdf

Thank you Debbie.
Hey Bill,

Try going to www.heinemann.com. They may have curriculum resources.

Hi, Bill,

I am aware of districts using Curricuplan, a web-based, intuitive tool.
Hello Mr. Brennan (William),


I received this - check it out
Thanks for your help on this and for the conversation a few days ago. You are a wealth of information!!!

I know this is a VERY old conversation but I would like to add that I have been working with the Assistant Superintendent of Northport on a curriculum mapping project using MOODLE as the backbone.  We are developing curriculum framework courses which have a variety of resources for each topic studied for both students and teachers.  Once the course is completed each teacher will get a copy of the course to manipulate with their students.  We plan on having revision cycles to remove content no longer used and to add new content.  If anyone is interested feel free to attend our presentation titled Creating Curricula for the 21st Century using the MOODLE CMSat ASSET next month or contact me at kvitti@gmail.com /  (516)785-8324. 

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