I have been to several trainings related to the rubric development for the new APPR--We have heard the acronym--
Highly Effective, Effective, Developing and Ineffective
and then we have been seeing the reverse--
which is:
Ineffective, Developing, Effective, Highly Effective--IDEH

It would probably be in our best interest to use the 'Hedi' plan, because at least that starts us at the top--I have not reviewed any material that includes 'ineffective' or 'unsatisfactory' as the first category on a rubric from the past--can we set our expectations a bit higher-and begin with 'highly effective'--as we move toward selection of a rubric? We need to be aware of the language we are using and how the use of language/terminology is not the sole focus of our work. We need less 'jargon' and a real focus on sound instructional practices and the ability to reflect on our work--
Having high expectations for ourselves is the first step--so 'HEDI' may be the way to go!

Any thoughts on this topic?


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I agree! I think each school community needs to develop a common language and common understanding of the jargon in the rubrics. For example in Danielson's Rubric 3C it states "students are inetrllectually engaged in challenging content." I am sure we all agree that this should occur. However, I think most teachers would feel there classroom tasks were of this caliber even if a supervisor may disagree. Schools need to have frank, transparent conversations and collaboratively develop a set of expectations that represent what this would look, feel and sound like in the school.

I agree with you, John.   It might look like small groups discussing the same Math problem at 5 practice stations around the room, and then returning to their seats to solve a similar problem on their own.  It might look like a Socratic Circle activity in an English or Social Studies class, where students analyze text during a close reading that is lead by student leaders for the day.  It might look like a Paired Learner Activity in a Science or Math classroom where partners engage in a brief task together, making sense of content the teacher just presented to the whole class.  But, as you said, to make a real difference, teachers need to collaboratively decide which strategies would be most effective for deep learning and, then, use these strategies throughout the grade levels and across the curriculum.





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