Children should be encouraged to do their best at all times.
Instead, here's what our public schools recommend: take it easy; cut corners; don't worry if you're late; don't memorize anything; if you didn't bother with your homework, no problem; don't pay attention in class; guess; give up; drop out.
Why do we hear so much about snowflakes? Apparently our public schools specialize in creating them. The way you prepare people for dealing with challenges, as this article explains, is you give them challenges to deal with. Our public schools say: oh, we don't want to make life tougher than it already is. We want everything to be soft and easy and free, just like the rest of life will be!
Character matters.
These are important issues if you are concerned with making schools better designed and more rational.
K-12: Fog and Fuzziness, new on American Thinker.
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