I heard the comment many times, as an all-purpose excuse: "They mean well. They just can't get their act together."'
I puzzled over this. I pondered and I pondered. More and more it seemed to me that they don't mean well at all.
And our big national problem is that they do have their act together.
Just take any one item: 50 million functional illiterates and millions of children who never learn to read properly.
IF the Education Establishment meant well – in 1940 or 1960 or 1980 -- they would have admitted to doing a bad job, and made sure they started doing a good job. But they never did that.
Rudolf Flesch explained the whole thing in 1955. That's a long, long time ago. Did the self-appointed experts admit any responsibility? No, they set up the International Reading Association to discredit Flesch.
It's one of those things that lawyers call a prima facie case. You know, the suspect has blood all over him, there are witnesses, and there's gunpowder on his fingers. He's got motive, and opportunity, and the ability. It's open and shut. The guy's guilty.
Article is titled: "They mean well. They just can't get their act together. Really?!"
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