January 12, 2012

Mayor Takes On Teachers’ Union in School Plans

NY Times

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, directly confronting leaders of the teachers’ union, proposed on Thursday a merit-pay system that would award top performers with $20,000 raises and threatened to remove as many as half of those working in dozens of struggling schools.

Delivering his 11th and penultimate State of the City address, Mr. Bloomberg vowed to double down on his longstanding efforts to revive the city’s long-struggling schools, saying, “We have to be honest with ourselves: we have only climbed halfway up the mountain, and halfway isn’t good enough.”

“We cannot accept failing schools,” he added during an unusually forceful one-hour speech at the Morris Educational Campus in the Bronx. “And we cannot accept excuses for inaction or delay.”

Mr. Bloomberg said he would take several steps to circumvent obstacles to his proposals posed by city labor unions. He pointedly referred to the United Federation of Teachers numerous times and seemed to relish diving into some of the most controversial subjects in the education world, including merit pay, teacher evaluations and a large increase in charter schools.

But in an indication of how difficult the fight will be, the union’s president, Michael Mulgrew, conspicuously declined to applaud during education-related moments of the speech and declared afterward that the mayor was living in a “fantasy education world,” proposing ideas that he did not have the power to put into effect.

The city’s public advocate, Bill de Blasio, called the education proposals “needlessly provocative,” and the Manhattan borough president, Scott M. Stringer, said the mayor was taking “a lone ranger approach to education.” The City Council speaker, Christine C. Quinn, was more cautious, calling the plan “very aggressive.” All three officials are planning to run for mayor in 2013.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo was more supportive. In a statement, he praised Mr. Bloomberg’s “positive vision” and said he looked forward “to working together to create an accountability system that puts the interests of students ahead of the interests of the education bureaucracy.”

Mr. Bloomberg, a political independent who has been mayor since 2002, dedicated more than half of his address to education, leaving little doubt that he intends to devote much of the next two years to a subject that he wants to be a part of his legacy.

Mr. Bloomberg is a polarizing figure in the education world — praised as a passionate advocate for a reform movement that emphasizes competition and results, but also criticized for an overemphasis on data, like test scores and graduation rates.

The campus where he delivered his speech was a reminder of the complexity of his record. The 115-year-old institution has seen a significant increase in high school graduation rates, and was among the first converted into a campus of small schools. But it was also one of the schools that Cathleen P. Black, whose brief and unhappy tenure as chancellor was one of Mr. Bloomberg’s most visible education missteps, visited during her first day on the job.

In a proposal that echoes one of the most ambitious merit-pay systems for teachers in the nation, which has been in effect for two years in Washington, Mr. Bloomberg proposed enticing top teachers to remain in the profession with a $20,000 salary increase if they are rated “highly effective” for two consecutive years.

He said the city should offer to pay off up to $25,000 in student loans — $5,000 a year, for five years — for top college graduates who teach in the city’s schools.

And, seeking to break through a stalemate between the city and the union over a teacher evaluation system, he said the city would form committees to evaluate teachers at 33 struggling schools based on classroom performance. He said this would allow the city to “replace up to 50 percent of the faculty” at these schools, and to reclaim nearly $60 million in federal grants that have been withheld because of the lack of an evaluation system.

But union officials said Mr. Bloomberg’s approach would not make the city eligible for the federal money, because it did not constitute an evaluation system.

He drew the loudest applause when he promised to “help lead the charge” for New York State to pass its version of the Dream Act, to help children of illegal immigrants apply for state-sponsored college assistance.

In addition to education, Mr. Bloomberg said he would focus on job creation during a down economy, revisiting the major theme of his State of the City address last year.

He highlighted, to great applause, the city’s attempt, for the second time in recent years, to redevelop the vacant Kingsbridge Armory, in the northwest corner of the Bronx. The city also plans to try to promote investment and development in the area aroundGrand Central Terminal, a vibrant but aging commercial district in Manhattan.

He vowed to push for an increase in the state’s minimum wage, joining the Assembly speaker, Sheldon Silver, a Manhattan Democrat, in the effort.

Mr. Bloomberg also offered several ideas for making the city a safer and easier place to navigate for bicyclists, pedestrians and drivers. He said he would double the number of 20-mile-per-hour zones for schools and add miles of bike lanes, while deploying traffic enforcement agents to “safety hot spots at key intersections.” He said he would push to enforce a measure requiring bicycle delivery riders to have the right safety equipment and uniforms identifying the name of their business.

He set a goal for New York, long viewed as a laggard on the recycling front, of doubling the amount of garbage the city diverts from landfills over the next five years. The mayor will commit the city to expand recycling to include all rigid plastics, like yogurt cups and medicine bottles, by summer 2013, when a new recycling plant under construction in Brooklyn is expected to come online. The effort calls for increasing the number of recycling receptacles in public spaces to 1,000 by 2014 from about 600 now.

The efforts still fall far short of what many other American cities are doing, but environmentalists who have followed New York’s waste management over the years said they were cautiously optimistic.

Outside the school, the speech was greeted by dozens of protesters, most objecting to the city’s plan to stop allowing churches to hold worship services in school buildings next month. A police spokesman said there were 43 arrests for disorderly conduct.

Reporting was contributed by Joseph Goldstein, Michael M. Grynbaum, Mireya Navarro and Kate Taylor.

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According to the New York Times reporters who covered Mayor Bloomberg’s speech the keynote was “creat[ing] an accountability system that puts the interests of students ahead of the interests of the education bureaucracy.” In this goal he was supported by Governor Cuomo who indicated he would cooperate to achieve this goal.

This is a position that every classroom teacher and their union representatives should support. The real enemy of effective public education in New York State is the new York State Department of Education. The real enemy of the class room teacher is the educrat in the Department of Education who imposes rules and regulation without any real understanding of the classroom environment in which they are to be implemented.

On accountability, the questions remaining unanswered by both the Mayor and the Governor need answers before policies can even be proposed, much less implemented; thought before action; definition before rhetorical excess! Accountability of whom? For what? By whom? According to what metrics?


Accountability begins with goals. Without well-defined goals for excellence in public education in all the areas of the public school curriculum that are necessary to become an informed voter and a contributing citizen at age 18: English, Reading and Speech, Library and Research Skills, Mathematics and Science, Technology, Social Studies, Foreign Languages, Physical Education, Athletics, Health, Business, The Cultural Arts and the Performing Arts, there can be no accountability.

Only when well-defined goals for excellence in public school education are established as national priorities, then, and only then, can the search begin for meaningful metrics in order to determine whether an individual student has attained these goals to the extent he or she is able at the completion of their public school education and during their progress through the public school system.

The common flaw at the heart of both No Child Left Behind and The Race to the Top is a naïve belief by the Edupolitial power structure: The New York State Department of Education and the United States Department of Education, in the effectiveness of standardized tests as a measure of educational achievement.

General standardized tests cannot and must not ever be used to evaluate the effectiveness of teachers or even teaching methods. In the absence of pretesting at the start of the student-teacher relationship the test results of a later test are meaningless as a measure of either the students progress or the teachers effectiveness.

Standardized tests as a measure of progress before and later at the conclusion of a teaching unit have some value as a measure the students comprehension of the subject matter taught and to a lesser extent the effectiveness of the teaching methods employed. Standardized tests to determine student mastery of a particular subject matter area can do just that, but nothing more!

Another common flaw at the heart of both No Child Left Behind and The Race to the Top is accepting the belief that all children can be expected to learn all subjects at the same rate during their preadolescent years. All of the standardized testing programs upon which No Child Left Behind and The Race to the Top are based on this flawed premise. A single test regardless of how well it may be “standardized” is nothing more than a snapshot of a child's mastery of the subject matter of the test at that particular stage in his or her educational development.

Competition...Results...Test scores...Graduation rates

According to the New York Times report, Mr. Bloomberg is a polarizing figure in the education world — praised as a passionate advocate for a reform movement that emphasizes competition and results, but also criticized for an overemphasis on data, like test scores and graduation rates. Competition between and among whom? Students? Teachers? Administrators? Some or all of them? Results in terms of what goals? According to what standards?

Test scores and graduation rates are reasonable measure at the conclusion of a child’s public school education of the effectiveness of the school system as a whole; a system which includes parents, administrators and classroom teachers as well as the entire student body on a class by class basis. Test scores and graduation rates cannot be used to evaluate the performance of any single teacher, although they might be used as a measure of evaluating the effectiveness of an administrator as leader and motivator.

Merit pay

Mayor Bloomberg’s proposal to entice top teachers to remain in the profession with a $20,000 salary increase if they are rated “highly effective” for two consecutive years sounds great, but the trouble lies with the concept of rating teacher performance. Rating by whom? According to what standards? By what measures?

It should be obvious to every classroom teach who has been teaching for more than a year or two that they are the best “evaluator” of the effectiveness of the teachers who taught the children in the grade below. Experienced classroom teachers are the only proper judges of the performance of their peers in the classes below. When are the classroom teachers going to challenge and directly confront those who claim to be capable of evaluating a teachers performance with a particular class on the basis of a single “observation” or a “standardized” test score.

Student loans

Can anyone rationally object to a program to reduce the burden of student loans on classroom teachers. Offering loan payoffs at $5,000 as incentive bonuses for a five year commitment to the New York City public schools is little enough for those willing to make that commitment.

Not Another Committee!

Unfortunately demonstrating the real failure to understand the myriad problems of public education today, May Bloomberg proposed to form committees to evaluate teachers at 33 struggling schools based on classroom performance. Committees of whom? Selected by whom? According to what criteria? To evaluate performance based upon what standards?

Unfortunately the hidden agenda of these committees has already been established and confirmed ini the Mayor’s statement that this would allow the city to “replace up to 50 percent of the faculty” at these schools. I refuse to believe that 50% of the teachers in the New York City public school system need to be replaced because they are ineffective and I do not believe the classroom teachers of New York City should allow that slander to circulate unchallenged!





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