The Perpetual Dream: Machines That Think, Diagnose, and Teach

The Perpetual Dream: Machines That Think, Diagnose, and Teach

Larry Cuban

In the article “The Perpetual Dream: Machines That Think, Diagnose, and Teach,” the author examines the increasing reliance on artificial intelligence (AI) and high-tech tools in both medical practice and education, highlighting the growing concern that the human elements of care and teaching—such as trust, empathy, and personal connection—are being overshadowed or neglected.

The Rise of AI and High-Tech Tools

The article begins by reflecting on historical milestones in AI, such as the Turing Test, which measures a machine's ability to exhibit human-like intelligence, and the famous matches where AI outperformed human champions in chess and "Jeopardy!" These developments exemplify the growing capabilities of AI, which have sparked a broader trend toward incorporating high-tech solutions in various fields, including medicine and education.

In medicine, advanced diagnostic tools like MRIs and CT scans have become staples in modern healthcare. However, the article argues that this reliance on technology has led to a decline in the practice of physical diagnosis—where doctors touch and examine a patient’s body. This shift not only risks missing crucial diagnostic information but also diminishes the ritualistic aspect of the physical exam, which is vital for establishing trust between doctors and patients. Dr. Abraham Verghese, a noted physician, emphasizes that the physical exam is more than just a diagnostic tool; it is a ritual that reassures patients and strengthens the doctor-patient relationship.

The Parallels in Education

The article draws parallels between the medical field's reliance on technology and the educational sector's growing dependence on high-tech aids like online learning platforms. While technology can enhance learning, the article argues that it can never replace the foundational relationships between teachers and students. Experienced educators and researchers agree that trust, respect, and caring within the classroom are crucial for deep and lasting learning. However, these qualities are difficult to measure and are often overlooked in favor of more quantifiable metrics like standardized test scores.

Standardized testing, the article contends, has become the primary measure of teacher and school effectiveness due to its ease of administration and data collection. However, this focus on test scores ignores the importance of the interpersonal connections that drive meaningful learning. The article critiques education reformers who prioritize technological solutions, such as online learning, which may save costs but fail to build the essential teacher-student relationships that foster trust and engagement.

The Consequences of High-Tech Overemphasis

The author warns that the overemphasis on high-tech tools and AI in both medicine and education could lead to a "brave new world" where productivity metrics overshadow the human aspects of care and teaching. In medicine, this could mean more impersonal interactions and potentially missed diagnoses due to a lack of physical exams. In education, it could result in a diminished role for teachers and a reliance on technology that fails to account for the nuanced, relationship-based elements of teaching that are critical for student success.


The article ultimately argues that while AI and high-tech tools offer significant advancements, they should not replace the fundamental human connections that define effective medical care and education. The challenge for both fields is to find a balance between leveraging technology and maintaining the trust and empathy that are essential for patient and student well-being.

Original Article


Prepared with the assistance of AI software

OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (4) [Large language model].

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