Everything comes down to that question. Starting 100 years ago, the Progressives said: never mind knowledge, that's old-fashioned. What we want to teach is enlightened political attitudes.
I wrote an article for American Thinker where I played off what Jamie Escalante and John Saxon would do (teach knowledge) against what Heather Hackman, a social justice warrior, would do. That's her real name and she's very clear that virtually the only thing worth teaching is liberal, politically correct attitudes. For example, students of color should know that they are in the white man's world and will be expected to be on time – even though this is so unfair!
I think Heather Hackman is an extremist and dangerous to any school she gets near. But let's leave that aside.
This article explains a big complicated debate by focusing on three people who exemplify the extreme positions.
For me, Jamie Escalante and John Saxon are great heroes. They teach everything that schools need to know
K-12: Teaching Knowledge vs Teaching Ideology
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