Article discusses the phenomenon of students buying term papers on the Internet. Why do they need to do this? Simple. K-12 does a terrible job of teaching the basics: reading, writing, grammar, spelling.
It really does appear, judging by quotes in this article, that students who can write a grammatical paragraph are the exception.
Meanwhile, the colleges don't want to look too closely as they would lose a huge number of customers if they enforced official standards. All those student loans would vanish. Professors would no longer have jobs.
All of this happens because the Education Establishment refuses to do a good job in the earliest grades. There's always some excuse for doing it the wrong way, and then moving the kids along the conveyor belt toward mediocrity and failure.
Children should learn to read in the first grade. Do that and half of our problems disappear. Refuse to do that and the whole educational system becomes a joke.
K-16: Land of Lies (on American Thinker)
PS: "Saving K-12," due Nov. 17, can now be pre-ordered.
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