Everything you ever wanted to know about reading as revealed by a letter from a teacher.
Long story short: this woman had no idea how to teach reading but she was teaching it every day of her career. Finally, after many years, she realized she had done everything wrong. Isn't that pathetic? But it's not her fault. It's the fault of the ed schools. Shutting them down would probably increase the national IQ by 50%.
title: Reading: a Teacher's Epiphany
I write about this subject a lot because it is so fundamental. If we don't improve reading instruction we cannot save the public schools. From what I can tell, more than half the kids are not reading in any true sense. They're guessing. They're stumbling and struggling. They are looking at the pictures. They're asking somebody what it says. They're doing all the things that you would do if you were in a country where you didn't know how to read the language. In short, they are illiterate. They have been kept that way or made that way by an Education Establishment that has doubled down on social engineering rather than academic engineering.
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