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College-prep revolt
A standards rebellion is sweeping the country, promoted by Republicans and Democrats alike, writes Stephanie Simon for Politico.com. The backlash stems in part from the Common Core, but is also pushback against the idea that all students must be ready for college, regardless of intentions. Manufacturing associations, trade groups, and farm lobbies have bolstered this anger, arguing universal college prep is elitist, demeans blue-collar workers, and is cutting off a labor pipeline. The counterargument: blue-collar workers need strong academic skills to turn entry-level jobs into meaningful careers. In response, the president and Education Secretary Arne Duncan have lately talked up vocational education, but have noted, pointedly, that such classes must not substitute for college preparation. Not every child must get a four-year degree, they say, but all must have college-level skills to succeed at their chosen path. The fast-moving economy will otherwise leave them behind in low-wage, dead-end jobs. The risk is also significant that low-income and minority students, as well as those with disabilities, will be disproportionately pushed into vocational tracks, as once was common. However, the backlash has grown so strong that states are now revising their rollouts. New York has announced it won't expect students to meet new college-ready benchmarks until 2022; Louisiana is aiming for 2025. More
Source: Public Education News Blast
Published by LEAP
Los Angeles Education Partnership (LAEP) is an education support organization that works as a collaborative partner in high-poverty communities.
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