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Do you use MOODLE in your school? Are you interested in learning more about MOODLE? Are you looking for a class to collaborate with? If you answered yes to any of these questions or you have questions about MOODLE this group is for you!
Members: 20
Latest Activity: Jul 24, 2016
Started by Karrie Anne Vitti Mar 10, 2011. 0 Replies 0 Likes
I am looking to connect an 8th grade (13/14 year old) social studies class with another social studies. We would like to post discussion questions for both classes to talk about topics that would…Continue
Karrie Anne
I am presently teaching a course using Moodle that we are self hosting in our school system. The course is "Online Facilitation and Teaching" The course is designed to introduce teachers to online pedagogy and an introduction to Moodle. I am developing a course right now that will be a crash course for teachers who will be teaching using Moodle. It is designed to be a short "just-in-time" training. I have taught online classes using other LMS - Blackboard, D2L. This is the first time I am teaching using Moodle. It is interesting since I taught the same course using other LMS and to see the difference between them. The more that I work with Moodle, the better I like it. We are now looking into integrating Google into our Moodle to create Moogle.
Since you have your own company, would you have a need for someone like me to train Moodle users?
Hi again Carmella! I’ve been working on Moodle for around 8 or 9 years or so now. In the past two years I have worked with at least 10 school districts in Nassau and Suffolk. Some districts host locally, some with Moodle partners and some go through me (I recently started my own company and will be offering Moodle hosting as well). Over the years I have worked with all the US Moodle partners and know the good and bad of each :)
At this time I would not roll out 2.0 as I don’t feel it ready to be mainstreamed yet, therefore all of the districts I work in are using 1.9.
To answer your question about how I use Moodle, I use it to create digital curriculum, teacher websites, curriculum mapping, collaborative projects between different schools (local and cross country), staff development courses, book clubs (student, teacher, parent and teacher) and many other ways!
I am glad that Karrie started the QR Code and Moodle Forums. I am an Instructional Technology Specialist in Maryland but originally from Long Island. You know that once a New Yorker, always a New Yorker.
My school district belongs to a Maryland State Consortium that is testing Moodle for state-wide use. My school district, Prince George's County Public Schools, has chosen to run Moodle on our own network and server. Other districts in the Consortium are testing on their own server or using services like MoodleRooms to host the test courses. We are keeping logs and keeping track of the costs and will evaluate at the end of the testing period in May. Each district is offering the same two professional development courses for the study. We are using Moodle 1.9. We have installed Moodle 2.0 in a testing area but have not had success in transferring courses over from 1.9 to 2.0. We are waiting for 2.1 to be released. We understand that the transfer problem will be corrected with 2.1 release.
Anyone using Moodle in your school districts? How are you using? Are you runing it on your server or outside server? Would like to share information.
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