
High School

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Latest Activity: Jan 9, 2016

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Comment by Len Romano on November 2, 2014 at 10:08am

Len Romano, President of the History Tutor, Inc. is seeking experienced social studies educators in the areas of AP US History and High School US History for P/T curriculum development project. Projected completion of development July, 2015.

If interested contact lromano@the or 631-787-6197

Comment by Ryan Fisk on July 14, 2013 at 9:54pm

Excellent piece in the NYTimes today; Female college students interviewed at UPenn are more career-oriented than ever before, and tend to forego emotional, meaningful relationships because they simply can't juggle that with their busy coursework, extracurriculars, and internships:

This could certainly pave the way to some interesting H.S. Health Education classroom discussion on the evolution (or erosion) of healthy relationships...

Comment by Josh Arnold on March 13, 2012 at 10:51am

I am interested in knowing where people went to college for their graduate work in school leadership and or school administration.  The reason is that I am reaching out to a large number of colleges and universities to discuss my project and obtain some information that will help our marketing efforts.  If you would be so kind as to share with me where you went to college for your advanced degrees that would be very helpful, thank you in advance for any assistance

Best Regards

Josh Arnold MS C.A.G.S. Ed

Comment by Josh Arnold on March 13, 2012 at 10:45am

I am working on a project that will become a serious game to help train the next generation of educational leaders.  The setting of the game is a high school, and the character of focus is the high school principal.  The target market for the product when complete will be higher education colleges and universities that teach graduate and certificate programs in Educational Leadership and Administration. Unlike the traditional case study, this approach puts the student in the position of having to act and react to different situations that a character they choose encounters and must respond how they predict the character will act given their leadership and management style.  I am looking for folks in educational administration who would be interested in sharing some of their experiences as well as serving on a "panel of experts" providing the framework of what are the correct approaches to the multiple situations provided.  Anyone interested please contact me here, or write to me at

Thank you and best regards

Josh Arnold MS C.A.G.S. Ed.

Comment by Dagoberto Artiles on April 3, 2011 at 10:50am


I am a principal in a small High School in the Hempstead School District.  I am in need of Social Studies and Chemistry teachers, if anyone is looking for a job and want to come out for an interview a demo lesson, please contact me.


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