I am so frequently at a loss at to why we - teachers - are resistant to using data to a higher level than we are now. Every other profession is able to define, collect, analyze and manage data to improve both productivity and achievement. From the used car dealer to the girl working the counter at a hamburger joint, everyone uses data to drive performance, make decisions and increase productivity. We have not yet pulled the curtain completely to reveal the wizard hiding in the dark. Practice Management Consultants deal with this every day by separating "practice" from "business." Until we permit the use of the word business when referring to schools, we will stay a day late and a dollar short on moving ahead. Data works to the benefit of every other profession. The first step is humbling and humanizing, but until we take that step, we will stay right where we are.
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I am so frequently at a loss at to why we - teachers - are resistant to using data to a higher level than we are now. Every other profession is able to define, collect, analyze and manage data to improve both productivity and achievement. From the used car dealer to the girl working the counter at a hamburger joint, everyone uses data to drive performance, make decisions and increase productivity. We have not yet pulled the curtain completely to reveal the wizard hiding in the dark. Practice Management Consultants deal with this every day by separating "practice" from "business." Until we permit the use of the word business when referring to schools, we will stay a day late and a dollar short on moving ahead. Data works to the benefit of every other profession. The first step is humbling and humanizing, but until we take that step, we will stay right where we are.
Dr. Michael Cubbin