

Turning data into useful and actionable information - rather than a bureaucratic shackle on the minds of students and teachers - will be the primary challenge of this generation of educational leaders. Join in the discussion.

Members: 154
Latest Activity: Jul 7, 2020

Why Data?

Three changes have affected education in the United States; all involve access.

All children now have the right to access educational services. There are no more places to hide those students who are harder to teach or slower to learn.

All customers of educational services - students, teachers, parents, and other taxpayers - now have a right to access educational data. There are no more places to hide those teachers and those practices that fail to educate.

And, of course, technology has produced unprecedented access to the storage and networked connectivity of data.

In theory, we now have access to the information necessary to answer perennial questions: how do we support the growth of a good teacher; what teaching strategies work and which do not; what works differently for different types of learners and teachers; how much should it all cost.

In practice, turning data into useful and actionable information - rather than a bureaucratic shackle on the minds of students and teachers - will be the primary challenge of this generation of educational leaders.

This is historic. It should also be fun.


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Comment by Michael Ehlers on May 29, 2008 at 12:52pm
I concur that the use of reliable, valid data is essential when assessing and monitoring performance to raise student achievement.

I've attached a conceptual framework of the RtI Solutions program that Discoery Education Assessment will be launching for the 2008-09 school year. Discovery RtI is an added-value module that aligns with our predictive benchamrk series NY grades K-12 for ELA and Math. Many schools and dsitricts in NY have joined our Pilot Program and using our full suite of assessment services for free through July 31st. Feel free to contact me by responding or calling me (224) 406-0198 if you or your colleagues want to take advantage of the pilot opportunity. Thanks
Comment by Ken Wagner on May 23, 2008 at 5:17pm
Welcome, Kim.
I hope the Data Group will help meet your needs. You sent a question to the group regarding district practices to meet participation and performance accountability requirements. Since many people would likely be interested in this topic, you may want to start a discussion on this topic.
Comment by Dr. Kim Nisbett on May 23, 2008 at 8:49am
My district uses data to drive curriculum, instruction, and school improvement. The leadership team members are given the tools needed to develop their faculty and staff. My goal is to join this forum to glean from my Long Island colleagues regarding actions they take using data in their districts to improve schools and increase student achievement.
Comment by Ken Wagner on May 22, 2008 at 7:21pm
Data Bit - 5/22/08
"New York is one of only six states that allows residents to vote on school budgets, according to a 2004 study by the Education Commission of the States, a nonprofit research agency."
From, posted on 5/21/08
Comment by Ken Wagner on May 14, 2008 at 6:33pm
Can you tell us a bit about how your district constructs and uses dashboards? I think dashboards will become very important as we move forward.
Comment by Ed Plaia on May 10, 2008 at 7:39pm
Data Driven instruction is clearly the way to go - for now. In my district, we use dashboards which are given roughly every six weeks. That data is later used to help inform instuction. For ELA, and math each standard and strand is analyzed, and addressed appropriately. Through lesson planning, differentiated instruction, and consistent observation, we have seen an increase in student performance.

Members (154)





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