by Ken Myers overcoming povertyTalk about strange! A newstudy put forth by Brown University’s Brown Center for the Study of Children at Risk, postulates that you can tell if an impoverished child will overcome their upbringing or not from birth! How does his work?

Well, first of all you have to know that everyone’s heart beat differently when they exhale versus when they inhale. This difference can be very big or very small, depending on the person. The idea is that this difference also signals another issue. The way a child will look at the world. Will they be observant and be effected drastically by change in their environment or will they be more laid back and not really react much to change? It turns to be a big deal, even if it does not seem so. Children whose heart rates changed drastically were also those most likely to pay attention to their environment and get upset when drastic changes were made.

So what does that have to do with overcoming poverty? Well, it turns out that the children who are hyper sensitive are drastically affected by the environment they grow up in. Not the poverty or wealth, per se, but instead the connection they have with their mothers. If their mother connection is strong and stable then they grow up to be the smartest and most well behaved children, regardless of their first poverty levels. However, if they do not have a strong and stable relationship with their mother then they grow up to be amongthe worst offenders.

Children whose heart rates do not change as much seem to not be as affected by their environments. They do not do significantly better or worse depending on their relationship with their mother.

Thus an odd correlation was made. If you have a sensitive child the way you raise them matters more than what kind of money you have. There is no difference between good kids that grow up to live profitable and successful lives and bad kids who stay impoverished and get into trouble beyond the relationships they form as infants. You can see how important it is for mothers to bond with their children and form a stable relationship!


Ken holds a master’s in business leadership from UpperIowaUniversity and multiple bachelor degrees from GrandViewCollege.  As president of, Ken’s focus is helping Houston-based parents find the right childcare provider for their family. When he isn’t working, he enjoys spending time with his three children and his wife.