Recently, I was asked to streamline the process of approving courses for credit. We use the MyLearningPlan software which saves on paper. However, cross referencing still takes up too much time. I am looking for a more efficient process to ensure that similar courses with different names are not approved repetitively for the same person. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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Rob, there should be a way that you can tell which courses have been taken by a teacher so that you can check the list before you approve new ones. If you are able to "tag" courses with subject area you can search courses that way...or come up with a schema to ensure that similar courses that are input into the system have similar conventions for easy searching, i.e. A course called Using Technology to Improve ESL literacy in Middle School Students in Dec of 2009 could be input: 0910_ESL_LIT_1, Using Technology to Improve ESL literacy in MS. A second course entitled: How to Improve Literacy with ELLs Using Web 2.0 Tools, in April 2010, would be labeled: 0910_ESL_LIT_2. It would be easy to see if someone took a similar course earlier in the year or even in other years if the schema was the same. This of course assumes a centralized database from a location where only one or two people have access to input outside courses after approval of the district.

In my old district we did not input outside courses into MLP until they were approved by the Curriculum Superintendent. I'm not sure if you have similar approval procedures. I'm sure MLP can provide guidance as well in terms of how they have seen districts set up courses. In addition, MLP also offers sharing seminars through BOCES. Hope this helps a little!
Hi Blanca,
Thank you. I have begun to use a similar system; however, I think I like your system better. We have the same approval system, and I am the designee of the Curriculum Superintendent to approve or deny of all courses. This was a great help!





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