Meeting Education's Challenges with Positive School Climate - FREE Workshop/Low Cost Inservice Course

Nassau Tract presents:

 Positive School Climate Course Offerings:

(1)  A Dignity Act Implementation Workshop

The Dignity Act:

 Preventing Incidents and Promoting Positive Behaviors

Joan R. Fretz, instructor

Thursday, September 26th, 2013

4-7 PM * FREE


Manor Oaks School, 1950 Hillside Ave.New Hyde Park, NY  11040

The Dignity Act requires that schools provide k-12 instruction in Civility, Character Education and Citizenship.  In this workshop, participants will explore strategies for implementing effective instructional practices K-12 to create a relationship-centered learning environment, prevent negative behaviors and promote respectful, positive choices.  Join us for practical, proactive approaches to implementing the Dignity Act
To Register:  Click on the link below to the Nassau Tract portal of My Learning Plan:


(2)  An In-service Course Focusing on Practical

School Climate Strategies

Realizing Our Potential:

Creating Optimal Learning Environments for Teaching and Learning

Joan R. Fretz, instructor

Course Dates

October 9, 16, 30, Nov. 6,13, 2013

4-7 PM (15 hours) $40.00 Fee


Manor Oaks School, 1950 Hillside Ave.New Hyde Park, NY  11040

Research indicates that creating a supportive and motivating school environment is important for the success of both students and teachers.  In this course, teachers and school leaders will put school climate, self-concept and motivational theories into practice to create an optimal learning environment in which all teachers and students will realize their potential. Each workshop includes video interviews with students who identify what helps or hinders their success in school.  All strategies presented align with the NYSUT and Danielson effective teaching competencies and help teachers to positively influence a student’s academic success and choice of behavior.

Session I:

Keys to Student Motivation: Choice, Competence and Relatedness in the Classroom

Learn how providing opportunities for choice, competence and relatedness will create the conditions for teachers and students to be intrinsically motivated, responsible and successful in school.

Session 2:

Invitational Education:  How Teachers and Leaders Positively Influence a Student's Self-Concept and Choice of Behavior 

Inviting educators believe that all students are able, valuable and capable of being responsible.  Learn how your words and actions can invite students to make beneficial choices and realize their potential.

Session 3:

Fostering Growth Mindsets:  Craving Challenge, Valuing Effort and Persevering in the Face of Obstacles.

Growth and fixed mindsets influence our perceptions about ability, intelligence and our choice of behavior.  Learn strategies for promoting growth mindsets in your students to increase effort and resilience.

Session 4:

Mini Miracles:  How Mentors Help Students Overcome Obstacles to School Engagement and Academic Success

Explore the ethics of care and the influential role of dependable adults in the lives of students who live with adversity.

 Session 5:

Social Emotional Learning:  Instructional Strategies for College and Career Readiness

Learn how schools help students develop their relationship, communication, perspective taking and decision making skills so that they will be successful in college and careers and contribute positively to our society.

To Register:  Click on the link below to the Nassau Tract portal of My Learning Plan:    
Joan Fretz
Education Consultant
Realizing Our Potential

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