Mastering Accountability: Using Low-Inference Notes to Counter the 4Ds

10 different types of analysis that can be used to increase accountability and improve performance



In the article "Mastering Accountability: Using Low-Inference Notes to Counter the 4Ds" by Jo Lein, published on July 9, 2024, the author delves into effective strategies for enhancing accountability and improving performance in educational settings. The focus is on countering the natural human tendencies to avoid responsibility through the 4Ds—Deny, Deflect, Defend, and Diffuse—using low-inference notes as a powerful tool.

The 4Ds for Avoiding Accountability

  1. Deny: This involves refusing to acknowledge a mistake or issue.
  2. Deflect: Shifting blame or diverting attention from the primary issue.
  3. Defend: Aggressively justifying actions, even if wrong.
  4. Diffuse: Minimizing the significance of an issue to make others feel they are overreacting.

How Low-Inference Notes Counter the 4Ds

  1. Deny

    • Example: A coach notes that during a 10-minute observation, a teacher asked eight questions, six of which were callout questions and two were hand-raising questions. When the teacher denies the issue, the coach uses factual analysis by providing clear, objective facts that are hard to refute.
  2. Deflect

    • Example: When a teacher attributes the lack of varied questioning to the students being restless after an assembly, the coach uses comparative analysis. This highlights differences between instances or patterns of behavior, making it difficult to shift blame.
  3. Defend

    • Example: A teacher defends their open style of communication by resisting rigid rules. The coach employs impact analysis by connecting the teacher’s actions to their consequences, thereby challenging justifications for problematic behavior.
  4. Diffuse

    • Example: When a teacher minimizes the lack of varied questioning by focusing on overall engagement, the coach uses gap analysis. This clearly shows the difference between current and desired performance, emphasizing the issue’s significance.

Types of Analysis to Counter the 4Ds

  1. Factual Analysis

    • Best for: Deny
    • Rationale: Provides clear, objective facts that are hard to refute.
  2. Trend Analysis

    • Best for: Deny
    • Rationale: Shows consistent patterns, making it difficult to deny issues.
  3. Predictive Analysis

    • Best for: Deny
    • Rationale: Projects future outcomes, making it harder to deny potential problems.
  4. Comparative Analysis

    • Best for: Deflect
    • Rationale: Highlights differences between instances or patterns of behavior, making it difficult to shift blame.
  5. Qualitative Analysis

    • Best for: Deflect
    • Rationale: Provides detailed insights into behaviors and motivations, addressing attempts to divert attention.
  6. Impact Analysis

    • Best for: Defend
    • Rationale: Connects actions to their consequences, challenging justifications for problematic behavior.
  7. Root Cause Analysis

    • Best for: Defend
    • Rationale: Identifies underlying issues, making it harder to defend surface-level justifications.
  8. Quantitative Analysis

    • Best for: Defend
    • Rationale: Uses numerical data to assess performance, countering aggressive justifications with solid evidence objectively.
  9. Strength Analysis

    • Best for: Diffuse
    • Rationale: Acknowledges positives while focusing on areas needing improvement, addressing attempts to minimize issues.
  10. Gap Analysis

    • Best for: Diffuse
    • Rationale: Clearly shows the difference between current and desired performance, emphasizing the issue's significance.


Low-inference notes provide a factual foundation that helps educational leaders and teachers stay accountable. By focusing on objective observations, these notes make it difficult to employ the 4Ds to avoid accountability. While accountability can be a gift, not everyone sees it that way. Thoroughly vetting, interpreting, and tracking observational evidence can ensure better accountability and improved performance.

Source: Lein, J. (2024, July 9). Mastering Accountability: Using Low-Inference Notes to Counter the 4Ds. EduCoach.

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OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (4) [Large language model].

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