
Leaps and bounds … Chelsea Giles and her mother, Belinda, at home in Como West. Chelsea will enter university next year at age 16 after being accelerated through two years of schooling. Photo: Ben Rushton

TEACHERS are holding back children who would benefit from being pushed ahead a year at school because of a ''genuine but misplaced'' concern for their welfare, according to the author of a major study of accelerated learning.

The fear ''that if you place a child with children older than he or she is that child will not be able to form friendships'', Miraca Gross, the director of the Gifted Education Research, Resource and Information Centre at the University of NSW, said.

But in fact, it is misplaced. She argues that the reverse is true. ''Kids who are intellectually in advance of their years have social and emotional abilities beyond their age and they tend to gravitate towards older kids for their friendships,'' she said.

''If you've got a five-year-old entering school who is more like a seven-year-old in the way she thinks, she will gravitate towards children in the grade above and they will accept her.''

Professor Gross's views are strongly echoed by Chelsea Giles, a student at MLC Burwood, who turned 16 on the day of her first HSC exam this year and will go to university having been accelerated through two years of school.

''I think if I hadn't been accelerated I would have been an incredibly tiresome, angsty teen [saying] 'Why does nobody understand me?' When gifted kids are left to their own devices and don't receive the proper accelerated treatment they become disruptive,'' she said.

''Acceleration shortened the amount of time I was with people who were not socially supportive. Yes, there were times people were a bit put off by who I was but I didn't notice that because I made it my mission never to be a victim, never to be submissive or play the role of freak, nerd kid.''

Professor Gross, who will retire at the end of the year after more than three decades in the field, says as few as one in 300 children are accelerated a year ahead. She believes as many as one in 40 could be pushed a year ahead in a single subject, with one in 80 ready to move ahead by a whole year.

The numbers are so low because many teachers remain unaware of the benefits of acceleration, she said. ''If a teacher is convinced in advance that acceleration is going to harm a child, he may not even want to read the materials which show that it actually helps,'' Professor Gross said.

Smart children deserve to be treated with the same respect accorded to less able students, Professor Gross argued. Instead, parents are often rebuffed when they ask schools for extra support for their child.

''Some teachers will take the attitude 'your child learns without assistance, think of the ones we really have to help, the ones who are struggling to learn','' she said.

''That's bad because any child should be assisted to learn to his maximum potential.''
