A Warm Demander Approach to School Leadership

Creating a welcoming experience for students, setting high expectations, and celebrating success can transform school culture.

By Jessica Cabeen


August 26, 2024

Summary of "A Warm Demander Approach to School Leadership" by Jessica Cabeen

In the article "A Warm Demander Approach to School Leadership," published on August 26, 2024, Jessica Cabeen shares her philosophy and practical strategies for school leadership that emphasize a balance between warmth and high expectations. This approach, often referred to as the "warm demander" style, is rooted in building strong relationships while maintaining rigorous academic and behavioral standards.

The Essence of a Warm Demander

Cabeen begins by recounting a poignant moment at a graduation ceremony when a student expressed gratitude for her leadership. This interaction underscored the impact of her approach, which she describes as challenging the stereotype of detached school leadership. Instead of being distant, Cabeen actively engages with students and staff, building a school culture where everyone feels valued and motivated to succeed.

The concept of a "warm demander" originates from educational research, particularly the work of Elizabeth Bondy and Dorene Ross. It describes educators who combine caring relationships with high expectations. Cabeen believes that this approach, typically applied to teacher-student relationships, is equally effective when adopted by school leaders.

Three Guiding Principles

Cabeen outlines three guiding principles that operationalize the warm demander philosophy in her school: elevate the experience, accelerate the learning, and celebrate the success. These principles are woven into the daily interactions between students, teachers, and administrators, helping to create a supportive yet challenging environment.

  1. Elevating the Experience: This principle focuses on creating a welcoming and supportive environment for students and staff. Cabeen emphasizes the importance of building intentional relationships to ensure that everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. For instance, her school restructured student spaces to make them more inviting and less intimidating, promoting a more relaxed and engaging atmosphere for learning and interaction.

  2. Accelerating the Learning: Cabeen's approach to accelerating learning involves fostering a growth mindset and providing robust support for academic success. Her school introduced Advanced Placement (AP) courses with a focus on maximizing opportunities and supporting students through additional resources like tutoring and study groups. This strategy resulted in a significant increase in student performance, exemplified by the improvement in AP passing rates from 50% to 92%. Regular data meetings and targeted interventions further supported this transformation, helping the school achieve a remarkable increase in course passing rates.

  3. Celebrating Success: Recognizing and celebrating student achievements is a crucial part of the warm demander approach. Cabeen's school regularly highlights student successes through social media shout-outs and a "Wall of Fame" that honors students' accomplishments. This consistent recognition of diverse talents and achievements not only reinforces students' sense of belonging but also motivates them to strive for excellence. Additionally, the school celebrates the personal impact that teachers have on their students, fostering a culture of appreciation and mutual respect.

Balancing Warmth and Demand

Cabeen stresses that the effectiveness of the warm demander approach lies in its balance between warmth and demand. She illustrates this with a story about a student who struggled initially but flourished under her leadership, which combined high expectations with personal support. By focusing on catching students doing things right while holding them accountable, Cabeen demonstrates that school leaders can create a transformative culture where every student has the opportunity to thrive.


Jessica Cabeen’s article offers a compelling case for the warm demander approach to school leadership. By prioritizing relationships, setting high expectations, and celebrating success, school leaders can create an environment where both students and staff are motivated to achieve their best. This balanced approach fosters a positive and inclusive school culture that supports academic and personal growth.

For the full article, visit https://www.edutopia.org/article/warm-demander-approach-school-lead....

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