A Network Connecting School Leaders From Around The Globe
Time: July 9, 2012 at 8:30am to July 12, 2012 at 3:45pm
Location: Hofstra University Brower 103
Website or Map: http://www.hofstra.edu/pdf/Ac…
Phone: (516) 463-5750
Event Type: course
Organized By: Hofstra University Office of Professional Development Services
Latest Activity: May 23, 2012
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Course Title: Gifted Children in the Regular Classroom
Dates/Times:SSII: July 9-12, 2012 (M-Th); 8:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
SSIII: August 20-23, 2012 (M-Th); 8:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Location:SSII: July 9-12, 2012: Brower 103
SSIII: August 20-23, 2012: Hagedorn 007
Description:Some school districts offer programs for the gifted that usually depend on test scores to determine entry. Scores and approaches required for entry vary from district to district. In other districts, there are no special provisions for educating gifted students. As a result, many students are overlooked.. Classroom teachers are among the primary identifiers of more able students. They need to have the tools and strategies that accommodate bright students, whether they are gifted in one domain or many. Participants will be introduced to the different ways that giftedness may be defined. Howard Gardner’s model will be integrated into how we view gifted and talented students. Participants will be introduced to and will ultimately design differentiated lessons that meet the needs of students at varying levels of ability in their room.
Instructor: Dr. Starr Cline. Adjunct Associate Professor, Hofstra University. Dr. Cline has served as a school district gifted coordinator and is widely published in meeting the needs of diverse gifted populations in regular classrooms.
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