What skills should a teacher candidate try to display in their demonstration lesson when applying for a teaching position?

The Dim Bulb

The Occasional Musings of an Educator

by Michael Keany

#20 - February 27, 2023

The brain is capable of performing 10 quadrillion (that’s 10 to the 16th) “calculations,” or synaptic events, per second using only about 15 watts of power. At this rate, a computer as powerful as the human brain would require 1 gigawatt of power. Maybe a dim bulb isn't really as dim as it seems.

The photo above is the   Livermore Centennial bulb, the world's longest-burning electric bulb. 


What skills should a teacher candidate try to display in their demonstration lesson when applying for a teaching position?

Some of the commonly sought-after skills that teacher candidates should try to display in their demonstration lesson when applying for a teaching position are:

  1. Classroom Management: The ability to manage a classroom effectively is crucial for a successful teaching career. The teacher candidate should demonstrate their ability to establish and maintain a positive classroom environment, manage student behavior, and engage students in learning activities.

  2. Content Knowledge: Teacher candidates should have a thorough understanding of the subject matter they will be teaching. They should demonstrate their content knowledge by presenting accurate information, answering student questions, and engaging students in discussions about the subject matter.

  3. Differentiated Instruction: Teachers should be able to differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of their students. The teacher candidate should demonstrate their ability to modify instruction to meet the needs of all students in the classroom, including those with different learning styles, abilities, and needs.

  4. Assessment and Evaluation: Teachers must be able to assess student learning and evaluate their progress. The teacher candidate should demonstrate their ability to use a variety of assessment tools, including formative and summative assessments, to evaluate student learning and adjust instruction accordingly.

  5. Collaboration and Communication: Teachers should be able to collaborate and communicate effectively with students, parents, and colleagues. The teacher candidate should demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively with students, engage parents in their child's education, and work collaboratively with colleagues to improve student learning outcomes.

According to research conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), employers value candidates who demonstrate a strong work ethic, communication skills, and teamwork abilities. Additionally, research conducted by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) found that successful teachers possess a combination of strong content knowledge, classroom management skills, and the ability to differentiate instruction effectively.


National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). (2021). Job Outlook 2021: Spring Update. Bethlehem, PA: NACE.

National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ). (2016). Teacher Prep Review 2016: Clinical Practice and Classroom Management. Washington, DC: NCTQ.


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