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Saturday, December 3, 2011
Use of Case Studies as a Student-Centered Approach to Learning
by Eric Sheninger
The use of case studies is a powerful pedagogical approach to incorporate student-centered learning activities into lessons. As a science teacher I routinely utilized case studies as they provided a relevant context to what I was teaching. Claire Davis and Elizabeth Wilcock conducted an excellent literature review and created a phenomenal resource called Teaching Materials Using Case Studies.
Below are some excerpts and thoughts that I would like to share:
One of my math teachers at New Milford High School has begun to integrate the use of case studies in her classes. Mrs. Chellani's key goal is to connect key mathematical concepts to real-life and other disciplines so students are able to better comprehend the content, understand the significance of the material being taught, and recognize how each discipline is interrelated. In order to achieve this objective, Mrs. Chellani goes beyond solely discussing these connections in class. She utilizes a more complex approach by assigning a case study at the end of each unit so students are able to see these connections in practice. These case studies are centered around real-world and interdisciplinary examples and provide another means to reinforce the learning in class. Furthermore, these case studies involve the use of technology (i.e. MS Office applications, Internet research, trend/statistical Analysis, etc.) and higher-order thinking skills (i.e. drawing conclusions) that prepare students with essential skills sets.
I applaud Mrs. Chellani's commitment to making mathematics more meaningful to her students through the use of case studies and feel that teachers in all disciplines can benefit from this approach. Here are some other resources on the use of case studies in education:
Posted by Eric Sheninger at 12/03/2011
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