January 3, 2012
Today, Newsday reported that New York State is considering raising the required GPA for education students at SUNY to 3.0. Finally, a plan for improving teacher quality that makes sense for taxpayers and educators. For taxpayers, this is a no-brainer, as it shouldn't raise any costs to have higher admissions standards. (unlike the costly administration of all the high-stakes testing of students) For the high-quality educators already in the workforce, it makes sense because presumably the talent-pool of new colleagues will at least be high achievers academically. This higher standard just makes good sense, since the people motivating students to achieve academic excellence should hold themselves to the same ideals.
Personally, most of the good teachers that I know, had at least a 3.0 in college and graduate school. Which leads me to wonder, what were the GPA's of the authors of some of the more baffling aspects of APPR? (Just curious.)
Happy reading,
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