What will it take to allow children to learn from this summer's intense series of events: shootings, questions about race and its role in our society, the Olympics, this election cycle, floods, earthquakes, and now a refusal to stand during the national anthem by an NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick? It is highly unlikely that students of any age have escaped being exposed to these issues. It is likely that students will return having seen adults argue, labeling each other by calling each other names, accusing each other, making statements without factual support. They may have seen communities rise up in protest when a member of the community has been shot and killed by police officers. They may have heard conversations about racism. They may have watched as homes were washed away in Louisiana and reduced to rubble in Italy. And most recently, they may have noticed that a revered NFL player refused to stand during the National Anthem. Even the youngest of our students may have been exposed to these and especially the youngest only have pieces of information, and likely little understanding. Read more...
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