A few months back GE released an ad campaign featuring physicist Millie Dresselhaus. The 86 year old has been cast into stardom as the company announced its commitment to have 20,000 women employed in STEM positions by 2020. And, essentially, that's the dual purpose of the ad, not just to announce the program but to raise the question about whether female scientists can achieve celebrity status. Pair that with Rush Limbaugh's recent rant about his disdain for acknowledging women and minorities who are first to achieve in their field as a put down of America rather than a noteworthy marker of our progress as a society. Or match it to Kellyanne Conway's remark in a Business Insider interview that she relates well to the POTUS because of her "femininity". She is allowed to respectfully and deferentially give her opinion. She also said her smile matters when dealing with him. Then, we feel the American divide of values and, particularly, about women at a gut level. Read more....
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