As we celebrate National Principals Month during this unusual school year, there’s one thing all 90,000-plus of us have in common: Given the continuing challenges our schools and communities face, we often feel like first-year principals. And that’s okay! Even the most seasoned among us are learning at an incredible pace about the best ways to support our students and staff through any combination of remote, in-person, and hybrid learning scenarios.
As 2020 National Principal of the Year, I’ve had fewer in-person conversations with my peers than I would have liked since this spring, but we’re still virtually connected. In discussions with other school leaders, we keep circling back to the same handful of challenges we’re all working to address in order to support our students and staff during this school year that is like no other before it. Among them:
Social Justice and Cultural Awareness
Kerensa Wing is the principal of Collins Hill High School in Suwanee, GA. She is the 2020 NASSP National Principal of the Year.
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