Roseanne Eckert posted this comment on one of the many ed-reform Facebook pages. Eckert, who is an attorney and parent, not a teacher, gave permission for use.
WARNING: Unpopular comment coming! I have seen many teachers bask in the glow of the extraordinary bravery displayed by the teachers at Sandy Hook. I have seen comments that suggest that all teachers would take a bullet for their kids. This is in direct contrast to the many comments that I have seen from teachers who state that they know that [mandated state standardized tests] and Common Core are bad for kids but they have to go along because they don't want to lose their jobs. If you would take a bullet for a child, then why would you keep them from recess and PE or impose homework that consists of mind-numbing drill sheets for your paycheck?
I think Eckert's asking a good and valid question here--and ought to note that her "unpopular" comment led to a thoughtful discussion, led by Eckert herself, on that Facebook page. It's a question asked repeatedly, without the terrible frame of violence: Why don't teachers stand up for what's right for kids? Why do they let clueless, aggressive "reformers" capture the bully pulpit on ed policy? Why are they so spineless?
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