How to organize your college essay properly by Allan Green

How to organize your college essay properly

by Allan Green

While studying in college you will have to write essays a lot. But do not worry - a bit of planning, analysis and hard work - and you will be able to easily write any essay for college. Mastering the art of smartly structuring your essay is one of the things that will facilitate your writing process immensely. Inevitably, a good structure is a cornerstone of a decent paper. Well-thought structure keeps your reader on hook, maintains his or her attention, and fuels interest in what you’re saying (writing). Once you learn how to organize your essay, one would say the ending up with a truly wonderful piece of work is unavoidable. 


Essay writing is not as random, as a person with a mathematical mindset might think. There are standards adhering to which do give you some guarantees of scoring a high grade with your essay:

1. Introduction and conclusion should focus on the issue.

2. Breaking down your work into paragraphs (with or without subheadings, depending on the task) is necessary, as a paper like that is easier to read, and comprehend. Dividing of the text into paragraphs has to be logical, there needs to be an orderly sequence of ideas you’re disclosing.

3. Conclusive paragraph cannot be disregarded, it’s required.

A proper outline for your essay, regardless of its size, really, would be a next step in an undertaking like essay writing. A good outline will help you maintain focus on your topic, and avoid straying into writing just words to fill in the empty page. You ought to identify the main notion around which to build a discussion, or a side you’re taking if it’s a pro or con kind of paper. 

The structure of an essay is not very complicated. Written work consists of the following components: 

- Title - The title of the essay that reflects the theme of the narrative. 

- Introduction - 2-4 short sentences, reveals the theme of the essay. 

- The main part - 2-3 paragraphs describing the essence of the work. In them you need to fully develop a theme. 

- Conclusion - 2-4 sentences written as a summary. In this part you make a general conclusion on the essay.

To sum up, if you care about creating a decent piece of written work, you must remember that devoting some time to deeply study the topic is a must, and coming up with a logical outline, before starting to actually write is a guarantee that you won’t suddenly miss a significant chunk of information. Expressing one’s ideas coherently takes practice, and should not make you ashamed. Your objective as an essay writer is to engage with your potential audience, keep them on their feet. Sticking to the rules that were established a while ago is respecting the power of a written word.

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