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Adam Bellow (@adambellow on Twitter) works as the Director of Educational Technology for the College Board Schools where he works with educational leaders, teachers, and students to infuse technology successfully in the classroom. In 2011, he was recognized as Outstanding Young Educator of the Year by ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education).
Another year of school is upon us. My son, who just turned three, just started his first school. He excitedly talks about it, plays pretend school with his Superman and Thomas the Train toys, and loves to carry his new backpack around our house. Watching his eagerness, I hope that, in some way, we all feel that way about this new school year.
And why not be excited? We teach in amazing times. Just think about the technology that you carry around in your pocket or the things you are able to do on the Internet. Technology makes meaningful collaborative and engaging interactive classroom experiences possible with minimal effort.
However, sometimes we need some help getting started. This list of ideas is far from complete and will hopefully serve as a starting place for some conversations in your school or district. Please feel free to share any of your ideas in the comments section below.
Oftentimes new initiatives, whether they be related to educational technology, incorporating a new program for math, or even something as simple as a new district policy regarding attendance, these can all throw us for a loop. It's great when new ideas and initiatives work right away, but if they don't there are two choices -- adapt or ignore. And ignoring is no longer an option.
We need to embrace and try these new initiatives, while realizing that it's okay to fail. (I know this is Edutopia and all -- but Yoda was wrong in this case. There is such a thing as "try.") Failure is how we learn. In fact, it is sometimes refreshing to fail at something and face the challenge of getting it to work out.
But in school, where there are often a multitude of constraints and demands on the teacher, their students, and the time that they have -- it is difficult to try, not succeed, and then take the chance to try again in the hopes of an alternate result.
I personally think that learning to work with other people and sharing information appropriately is the most important skill we can be building with students (and educators) today. I'm not talking about "Group Work," at least not the artificial group work that I remember from my days in school. I am talking about a more organic collaboration between students. They don't need to be in the same class, grade, or even the same school. By connecting online, there are literally millions of other people who can help you and/or benefit from your work. Oftentimes I get ideas from social media about great class projects; it is a wonderful place to learn and to share your ideas, successes, and failures.
Technology in the classroom brings out interesting things in teachers. Some, like myself (and likely you as well), are eager to learn and do more because the technology and what it can do interests us. Others aren't quite sure what to do, but would be willing to learn if given some help. And of course, some people sadly write off technology as being a chore or a passing fad.
One way to ensure that technology is used properly in the classroom is to make it clear how to do so. Training needs to be quality and continuous. Schools need to make it a priority to help educators use the "stuff" that they buy for the schools.
But these ideas involve time dedicated from the school and teachers -- sometimes this is not so easy to come by. I recommend a grass-roots approach. Tech Tips are short emails that I have been sending around at my job for the past four years. Short emails explaining what a tool, resource, or website does and why it might be useful to the reader. These emails don't take terribly long to write, but are oftentimes seen as very helpful. If you start the chain and get a few people on board you will probably have a fun sharing circle in no time.
Technology -- the "stuff" part of it -- has come a long way. Where we used to be able to only access the Internet through a giant tower machine with a clunky monitor, we can now get online from almost any modern device -- anything from a smartphone to an iPad.
As a result, the days of computer labs are over. Indeed, they are a waste of space in a modern-day school. Why make it so that to use technology as a part of a lesson teachers would have to leave their classrooms just to use it? Any investment a school makes in technology should be something that can be used in multiple settings for multiple purposes by multiple sets of students.
Educational technology should no longer be synonymous with large expenditures of money for software and hardware. Schools can do a great deal with very little. With Web access, students and teachers have access to thousands of free web resources that can provide countless enhanced learning experiences as well as ways for students to create a swath of creative content. Take for example the site SumoPaint.com, it is a robust image editor which looks almost identical to PhotoShop. The difference is that SumoPaint is free to use and can be accessed from anyone -- one of the key benefits of using web-based tools as they work is not machine or platform dependent.
Oftentimes when school policy and visions are planned there seems to be a major disconnect between the administration (usually the ones making or voting on the policy) and the rest of the school (the teachers and students whom the decisions affect).
We really do teach in a remarkable time. Each day you walk into your school setting, whether it be a classroom, office, or somewhere else, remember that you help to shape the future and what you do during the day can change the world!
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