Create a best-selling book with ChatGPT?

Create a best-selling book with ChatGPT.

(from an X post by 

Florian Camiade)

You don't have to be a writer. Here are the 7 prompts to write a story that makes money:

1. Brainstorming Prompt: Give me 10 ideas for the Premise for a novel about [whatever] Give me 10 ideas for the ending for a novel about [whatever premise you picked]

2. Synopsis Prompt: Given the following premise and story information, give me a highly detailed synopsis for a [genre] story in the tradition of three-act structure. Each act should be clearly labeled and should build toward an ending I've described

3. Outlining Prompt: Using the following synopsis, create a detailed summary of the story, flushing out additional details and breaking it into Parts using the [outline method of choice eg, Heros journey]

4. Character Prompt: Write a character profile about the protagonist of the novel [Insert synopsis] Here's what we know so far about the character: [ Insert current summary of character ] Include the following elements: [ insert desired elements here]

5. Story Beats Prompt: Take the following chapter summary and generate a list of 12 highly detailed action beats for a script with additional [story information]To fully flesh out the chapter. make sure to always use proper nouns instead of pronouns. [ Add chapter 1 etc. etc]

6. Style Prompt: First person past point of view of[ insert character name] show don't tell deep point of view. realistic dialogue. strong verbs. lots of conflict/drama and description. Avoid mushy descriptions/dialog. (you can put this under the Custom instructions in chat GPT)

7. Constructing the Prose Prompt: Write 1,000 words of a chapter using the following details: Genre: [ENTER GENRE HERE] Tone: [ENTER TONE HERE] Point of view: [ENTER POV/TENSE HERE] Setting: [ENTER SETTING HERE] Key characters: [ENTER CHARARCTER DETAILS HERE] Story beats to cover: [ENTER STORY BEATS HERE] (give it 2 or 3 at a time) All you have to do is adapt the parts to suit you. With a few modifications, no one will be able to see that it was written with the help of the AI. Prompt by The Nerdy Novelist.

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