Too many people talk about the CCSS as if they will be the silver bullet to end our poverty issues.
We are surrounded by the illusion of quick fixes. We can deny that we want quick fixes...but we would be lying. If my computer isn't working properly I always believe that if I press Ctrl+Alt+Delete it will come back on and be as good as new. Many times I have even pressed that combination of keys five times...every time believing that I won't have to call tech support...and then I call tech support.
We all do it, and we all want to believe that we are one quick fix away from solving a problem. Turn on your television and wait for the commercials to begin. Companies spend millions of dollars every year running advertisements to get us to believe that if we buy their ab-machine we will wake up the next morning having abs of steel like Ryan Gossling or Channing Tatum.
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