The latest effort by Bill Gates to reform schools involves spending $5 billion on video cameras in every classroom ("Bill Gates Wants America to Spend $5B for Video Cameras in Every Cl...," Education News, Apr. 24). Reformers like the idea because they say it will prevent teachers from offering excuses for the failure of their students to learn. Of course, the cameras will also provide evidence of student misbehavior, which reformers ignore in their criticism of teachers. But I digress.
My main objection to the Gates plan is that it is reminiscent of Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon of the late 18th century. Bentham argued that when those in institutions knew they were being observed at all times, the results would be beneficial. Although the Panopticon was designed originally for prisons, Bentham also believed it was applicable to other settings, including schools. If schools exist primarily to maintain control over students, then I suppose a case can be made for video cameras in every classroom. After all, students don't want their disruptive behavior caught on camera any more than blackjack dealers want to be taped pocketing chips.
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