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I'm not a gambling person, but if I had to place a bet on one sure-fire method for engaging students, increasing test scores, reaching students who fall below standards, challenging students who exceed grade-level standards, accessing students' creativity and originality, maximizing brain connections formed, applying concepts to new situations, and making the learning process more fun for the students and teacher, I would place that bet on . . . teaching the core curriculum through the arts.
Our Common Core Standards exist to support students' future success -- namely, college and career readiness. As a former K-12 music teacher now in charge of a music career preparation program for college students, I feel confident asserting that creativity and problem-solving skills acquired through arts training have prepared my students uniquely for their future success. I am truly honored to share with you my thoughts regarding integrating arts into your curriculum.
If such seemingly guaranteed improvements exist with arts integration, why aren't all teachers using arts while teaching other standards? These are the two biggest mental blocks I see:
You certainly do not have to be an "accomplished" artist to integrate the arts into your lessons. You, as a teacher, are creative and original! Teachers must think on their feet, modify plans on the spot, approach content from different angles, support uniqueness, and inspire and foster growth.
Arts integration does not take time away from required Common Core and state standards. Think of teaching standards through the arts, not independently of the arts.
Holding onto misconceptions might prevent you from unlocking your students' creativity, originality and spark for learning. You already have the skills it takes to be a great arts integrator. It's time to dive in and have fun with your lessons.
When incorporating arts into lessons, where to begin is often a daunting first step. This activity guides you through that first step -- brainstorming creative, artistic lesson plans connected to your existing standards. Start with a standard or concept you need to address. Ask yourself the following questions, and jot down all ideas you can. Your creative brainstorming will take your students beyond worksheets and unlock your creativity as a teacher and your students' enjoyment of the learning process.
Through arts-integrated lessons, students are engaged and focused on the content because it takes them beyond the confines of "traditional" learning. They get to hear, see, and become the content through the arts. Good luck and happy planning!
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