7 Big Leadership Things You Can Accomplish in 10 Minutes

7 Big Leadership Things You Can Accomplish in 10 Minutes

Dan Rockwell

Leadership Freak

Summary of "A 10-Minute Revolution: 7 Things You Can Accomplish in 10-Minutes"

In the article "A 10-Minute Revolution: 7 Things You Can Accomplish in 10-Minutes," published on July 30, 2024, the authors emphasize the power of small, consistent actions to achieve significant transformations. The central idea is that instead of seeking dramatic changes, individuals should focus on making incremental progress through manageable, 10-minute tasks. Here are the seven key activities proposed to harness the potential of these brief time investments.

1. Expand Your Mind by Reading

By dedicating just 10 minutes a day to reading, you can finish about 12 books a year. This amounts to reading 3,650 pages annually, assuming you read 10 pages per day. The authors suggest keeping a pen handy for notes and scheduling specific reading times to ensure consistency.

2. Prolong Your Life with Exercise

Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining health. The article recommends engaging in body-weight exercises like pushups, squats, and jumping jacks, or taking a brisk walk for 10 minutes each day. Keeping sneakers near your desk can serve as a reminder to incorporate these short exercise sessions into your routine.

3. Focus Your Attention with Quiet Time

Taking 10 minutes for quiet reflection can significantly improve focus. The authors highlight the importance of stillness for leaders, noting that an unfocused leader can distract their team and slow progress. A suggested activity is to go for a slow walk without a cell phone, allowing for uninterrupted contemplation.

4. Energize Others with Thank You Notes

Expressing gratitude can positively impact those around you. The article advises writing thank you notes or calling someone you appreciate for 10 minutes each day. Recognizing others' contributions helps build a positive organizational culture and can boost morale and motivation.

5. Propel Yourself Forward with Structured Self-Reflection

Reflecting on your experiences helps prevent repeated mistakes and promotes learning. The authors recommend developing three reflective questions to ask yourself at the end of each day. Reading resources like "The Vagrant: The Inner Journey of Leadership" can provide structured self-reflection exercises to guide this practice.

6. Clear Your Mind by Decluttering Your Work Area

A clutter-free workspace can enhance productivity and reduce stress. Setting a timer for 10 minutes to tidy up your area can make a significant difference. This small daily effort can lead to a more organized and efficient work environment.

7. Choose Your Big Rock

Identifying and focusing on a single important task each week can help manage stress and ensure progress. The article suggests writing down this "big rock" on a sticky note and placing it on your monitor. Scheduling specific times to work on this priority can prevent distractions and promote achievement.


The article underscores that transformation doesn't require dramatic changes; instead, it can be achieved through a series of small, consistent actions. By dedicating just 10 minutes a day to activities like reading, exercising, reflecting, and expressing gratitude, individuals can make substantial progress toward their goals. This approach highlights the value of incremental efforts in driving long-term success.

For further reading, the full article can be accessed at Dan Rockwell Leadership.

Original Article


Prepared with the assistance of AI software

OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (4) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com

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