Comments from October 18, 2020 Poll - Voting at Age 16

Student activists are proposing that citizens be allowed to vote at age 16 coupled with the passing of a course in high school that teaches analysis of candidate's positions, election law, and civic responsibility.  The proponents say such a change would instill the voting habit. (For decades, young people between 18 and 29 have voted in the lowest numbers of any age group.)  Would you be in favor of such a change?

Answer Respondent
Depends. I would consider a course/ permit if you will for those who are 16 and want to vote. Anonymous
We allow them to drive at 16.
If they take it seriously, we might gain lifelong voters.

An informed electorate, armed with the facts and not some evil advertising, can help change our country for the better.
Sixteen-year-old brains are far from maturation! Anonymous
Democracy and education need to be linked across the country. I like this approach. Anonymous
I would worry about teachers having too much influence on how a young person should vote.
Do that in HS and help more 18-year old's sign up to legally vote Anonymous
I love the idea of a civics course but let's mandate it for all high school seniors and you can vote if you are 18 OR if you are an HS senior and completed the course. Anonymous
There is good intent in this idea. However, we must assume that 80% of the students will be truly able to "analyze" positions, laws, and civic responsibility when the course has been completed. There would have to be current topics involved (in-depth), knowledgeable teachers, and motivation (via teacher and internally). This is easy to say "yes" to but much thought would be needed in order to present the course. I voted "other" in hope that this can be accomplished. And no teacher bias? Anonymous
Excellent idea!!! When the voting age is changed to 16 or even 15 years of age, then funding for education will receive respect and more serious consideration!!! Anonymous
Excellent Idea!!! Anonymous
I agreed with instilling the voting habit and teaching the election law and civic responsibility, but I disagreed to allow citizens under age 18 to vote. Instead, teachers can set up mock voting to enhance teaching and learning. Anonymous
That is like saying they have had sex education so let's let them try! A more developed brain and mindset are required for certain activities, along with a bit of life experience. Anonymous
Unfortunately, I feel that voters need to be at an age where they are part of the working population. While at age 16 it is entirely possible for students to be working jobs, there is more of a chance at college-age and above. Voters need the experience of understanding how the government uses their money from taxes etc. to make informed choices. Anonymous




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