
What Works

Lets share our Success! Do you have a program or initiative that is going well? Have you implemented something with a solid plan you can share? Lets talk about what works!

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Comment by Frank Palatnick on August 9, 2009 at 1:27am

E=mc2 Education equals the facilitation of the minds understanding times collective compassion. Copyright 2007 Frank Palatnick All rights reserved. I have attempted to inculcate this concept into education practices worldwide. It works. It has been successfully used in Russian teacher training institutes including THe Siberian Academy for Public Administration. When I presented this formula to a Global Conference of Educators in Washington D.C. I was approached by numerous administrators from countries like the Philippines, the Netherlands and South Africa. An educator from France stated in a written assessment of the formulas I created including this one " Mind Boggling " and
" A Paradigm Changemaker ".
Comment by Tina M. Falsitta on May 22, 2009 at 12:47pm
I'm hearing more and more about parents and districts beginning to implement online course content to extend learning time or supplement the traditional course offerings. I also hear many professionals expressing interest in learning about new intiatives in neighboring districts. It would be great for leaders to hear about successful initiatives other leaders have implemented and which online approaches are beginning to show evidence of having a positive impact on student acheivement.Thank you for setting up this group.
Comment by michael zotto on April 14, 2009 at 6:39pm
Former 1st Grade Detective with the NYPD and former member of the Department of Homeland Security... Currently president and an Instructor of the WWW.STRATEGICPROTECTIONGROUP.ORG
SPG a licensed and bonded security and protection company has recently pulled our members together and have created some unique seminars for the students,young adults. Our topics are directed at building awareness on such issues as Hate Crimes/Bias Crimes/Intolerance/Drug Awareness. ....We've had great success with several schools here on Long Island and it's picking up speed... Its been very rewarding for my team who come from very diverse backgrounds and cultures to be able to engage and share our experiences with the students and help them confront the issues that face them today.
Comment by Michael Ehlers on June 11, 2008 at 11:38am
Hi Clifford,

I thought that you may be interested in this webinar later today regarding Discovery Education Assessment and RtI Solutions

Learn how to predict K-8 student ELA and Math proficiencies and AYP preformance with up to 97% accuracy for FREE by joining the webinar below. Hope to see you there!

Michael Ehlers from Discovery Education Assessment and RtI Solutions sent this webinar invitation to you.

Topic: Free Pilot from Discovery Education Assessment and RtI Solutions for New York Education Leaders

Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -04:00, New York)
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Michael M. Ehlers
New York State Sales Manager
Discovery Education Assessment
Phone (800) 323-9084 x7268
Cell (224) 406-0198
"We make a living by what we get,,
we make a life by what we give." - Sir Winston Churchill
Comment by Teh-yuan Wan, Ph.D. on April 15, 2008 at 5:25pm
I could not agree more with your idea that we should hear more about successful stories. We do know that there are many successful stories around us across the region and the state. But when it comes to a point of time to name a few, it is a challenge to have a coherent way to articulate it. Like recently I was approached by an inquiry for a few exemplary practices on technology integration, I had a hard time getting deeper than the general names of schools or specific type of technology adoption. There must be a better way to organize such information, allow people to register such practices, and share valuable experiences. I am wondering if there is a kind of matrix of characteristics of such exemplary practices to guide the thinking and exchange, a web tool to capture such delineations into allow database and integration into this professional network site for accumulating, organizing and sharing a pool of exemplary practices. I know that SED once contracted out a project, called "promisng project". I may find time to dig out what happens to it. But at the same time, is there way to move this line of discussion in a more organized way? About a couple of weeks, I posted a forum on this topic, seeking for a few exemplary practices within NYS for a member of Regents to share with teacher educators at a conference. I did get a few leads, which were very helpful. But we could do better in showing what we as a community have done some meaningful and significant work.
Comment by Paula Pisano on April 10, 2008 at 10:19am
I would love to hear some district success stories. I am especially interested in how you are using digital media in the classroom. With so much content out there, Discovery Education's streaming, Safari Montage, PowerMedia Plus and even the new Hotchalk deal with NBC, so much can be done. I know what you're thinking..there are storage issues and bandwith issues when teachers stream but there are work arounds.. so let's talk...
Comment by Clifford Steinberg on March 25, 2008 at 8:16pm
I wanted to start a group conversation here around programs that are working..... and working well. Often we share and discuss obstacles (human nature?) and "potential" ideas and ways to deal with them.

I am interested in people that have implemented ideas and plans that have actually been put in place, or are in process, and working. Please share your triumphs and how you got there. I am sure others will find it extremely valuable. I know I would!

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