What are your favorite web 2.0 tools for the upcoming 2009 - 2010 school year. What's hot and what's not?

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Twitter is definitely an important one for me in terms of sharing and collecting the latest tools and information.

Other Web 2.0 tools include Mobile Applications like those available for the iPhone. Some good ones are Proloquo2Go for speech augmentation http://www.proloquo2go.com/ , Xpense Tracker for financial literacy and CourseSmartLLC to access e-textbooks.

I'm attaching two files to this post. One is a Nielsen annual comparison chart of the top social networks of 2008.

The other is a new Nielsen survey from 06/09 that discusses the use of social media amongst teens. Most surprising to me...That Teens make up 20% of the Mobile Video Audience and watch more than the average user. Should we be looking at mobile technologies to address ways to connect with teens at home? Surely to our benefit would be to capture some of those minutes for learning about areas we would like for them to focus on...
With regard to students, I definitely don't think blogging or wikis will ever go away, and my students have also learned valuable skills using Voicethread. All three of these applications are ideal for creating digital portfolios for students. For teachers that are new to web 2.0 or the read/write web, then I think it is important that they focus on learning how to use these 3 tools first, one tool at a time.

However, if you're an experienced web 2.0 user there are some other fabulous tools you should consider, and many of these tools have html embed codes you could place in your website, wiki or blog to showcase student work. Some of my favorites include Vokis, Mixbook, creating, editing, mashing and uploading videos on YouTube/Teacher Tube, and CoveritLive. I don't have time to hyperlink these examples right now, but these applications can be easily searched. :)
Christine, can you explain CoverItLive since I know you've used it? I think people would be interested to know how you have used it to share student and teacher events! Thanks!
Google Docs is one that many people have been trained on in the last 3 months. Google Docs allows teachers and students to share documents online. Edits can be done in one place and revisions can be pulled up if one needed to see who made changes. Using collaborative documents can help teachers create pre and post assessments through the Google Forms feature. A short video about Google Forms can be found below! This is one of my favorites!





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