Lets start a discussion of tools you use and how you have applied them to the classroom.

If you are new to Web 2.0 and would like to start with a nice, simple tool, take a peek at Voicethread!

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Hi Cliff,
At Westbury, we have a teacher who is working with David Warlick's Blogmeister and 2nd grade bi-lingual children. They use Voicethread to create their own characters. Other teachers have gone through the Intel Teach courses and created blogs for their classes to share responses about literature and real life experiences. Web 2.0 tools allow our students flexibility. They allow interactivity in a way that we have not been able to create with other tools.
hey all.
I'm a HS Film/Theater teacher. I've also taught on the graduate level in Adelphi's School Leadership program.
Been blogging (educationally, that is) since 2003. Just started with classroom social networking and podcasting last year. One of my blogs is here: http://filmapp.blogspot.com. I use Ning for the soial network. I used livejournal for a while for my students journaling, but we're phasing that out. I'm still not sold on wikis for my own use, but the concept is great. How have your experiences been?
Through the Intel courses I have had teachers showcase their work on wikis and realized this: if you introduce the concept early in the course, teachers will use it as a resource. In the beginning we were using it only to showcase our end products. During a course in NYC a few weeks ago we opened up a wiki to collect information. In this case it occurred to us that it might be useful to use the site for future groups. The design is still a work in progress but I think it makes sense without too much explanation. Take a look: http://inteled.pbwiki.com/ and click on Intel April 08 class to view their work...
I've been tagging using delicious and recently did a cloud image of my tags. Not surprisingly web2.0 was the tag I used most often. I have created wikis, blogs, use Ning and social bookmarking. What I'm now interested in learning more about is the future of the web (aka web 3.0).

Does anyone have a good way to explain how these are different? Here's my sense -
Web 1.0 - read only
Web 2.0 - read /write
Web 3.0 - future of artificial intelligence, interoperability of apps

I think your sense is on target. In doing my own research on Web 1.0 and beyond, I had found some useful links which I am pasting below. Let me know what you think. BTW, I moved from delicious to Diigo. Besides bookmarking and tagging, I love the commenting, highlighting and sticky notes.

I think this is a great diagram:

Here are some links to a few explanations of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0:

...and this gives an explanation and some additional links:
Heather - thanks for the links. I've tagged them to review for my next 'down moment' . I'm already addicted to delicious - and with your description of Diigo, I am definitely going to spend some time exploring it this weekend.
Web 30 is about Context Textual tagging, for the most part. AI is further out there.

Web 30 is important to teach students because it is how they are targeted and the flip side is how they present themselves. Contextual profiling will make a major leap when Web 20 apps start to transfer profile information to one another. PLN is our step into this direction.

Explain to your class that if they are on Face Book and go to a ticket sales web portal. There entire Face Book profile and background is given to that site. What they will see in ads and how Google will deliver their results will be more on their profile and behavior than what they want to find.

In a sense Web 30 is when the Web takes on a personality that judges you and treats you differently than other people. Scary huh. The web stereotypes profiles for target marketing. Widening the cultural gap of the digital divide.

In Web 30 Context becomes as important as the knowledge. We did a international webinar on this yesterday. you can find at http://globallearningframework.ning.com

On AI... You will see Intelligent Aids placed in eLearning courses that facilitate adaptive learning. This is expensive to develop and may not work well in an educational setting. Project Based Learning with Web 20 apps is the best formula. We need our tribes to really learn.

Anyway it should be fun
We have had a number of teachers go through the Intel teach program this year as well as numerous in-house PD sessions. I have really enjoyed working with my teachers on integrating wikis and blogs into their lessons. We have used things like wikispaces, voicethread, gabcast, eboards, school center, etc... A few teachers have been running their own podcasts and I am developing plans for this to expand.

We are now very close to using ning in the classes. I have registered my own district site called PJRoute21. We are almost complete with the setup. At this point we are discussing how to deploy it.

This stuff is a blast!!!!!!!
A blast indeed, Bill, and all very exciting stuff for those of us who are on board. In fact, I confess that I myself am not Web 2.0 proficient and this is my first foray into the world of social networking, but I recognize that these are the essential tools and skills that we must be embracing in education, at the risk of having our schools become obselete, irrelevant relics of the 20th century.
Alright, maybe that's a bit strong but you get my point. Each time I go to a conference or read an article or view a video on this topic I feel like I'm getting hit in the head with the message that there is a disconnect between students' use of technology in their personal lives and what they are allowed to utilize in school--and the gap is constantly growing.

This site will naturally attract the movers and shakers of educational technology, but it's only a very small portion of the educational community as a whole. How can we harness this great energy and creativity to get the word out and provide models of best practices? Wouldn't it be great for example if we could compile a database of lessons using Web 2.0 tools, and narratives of initiatives undertaken in various districts (like yours, Bill) complete with strategies for overcoming the challenges and obstacles of implementation?

Finally, I would encourage everyone in this forum to visit the Internet Safety and Social Networking group discussion, which deals with a very important component of the Web 2.0 topic.

Great points and I certainly hope your head is OK after the whacking!

There is a resource that I would like to mention here in line with the "best practice" approaches you suggest. There are even some lessons thrown in as well.

I would encourage anyone reading this and thinking about implementing web 2.0 technologies (as well as technology implementations in general) to check out the K-12 Online Conference.

There is a wealth of information, implementation models and resouces available. You will find video, audio, powerpoint and other presentations on topics such as:

“Starting From Scratch: Framing Change for All Stakeholders”

“Creating a Paradigm Shift in Technology”

“Web 2.0 Share the Adventure”

“Acceptable Use and the Web 2.0”

“Step by Step- Building a Web2.0 Classroom”

Among many, many others. This is an incredible resource. If anyone has any questions or needs assistance navigating the site, please let me know and I will be happy to help. This is one of the "take-aways" from the presentations I give.

As a big fan of Web Tools (I prefer this term over "Web 2.0" Click here to read my article, The Life and Death of Web 2.0) and what they can bring to the proverbial educational table, I promote and advocate for the use of these tools in the classroom to replace other (usually more expensive) software (and in the case of clicker systems, even hardware) solutions.

I will share some of my current favorites using a Free web tool called 3x3links.com

3x3links.com (a visual start-page that allows teachers to provide students with links to various other sites in a visually appealing and simple way)

In fact, I created a site to share some of my favorites using this start page. You can check it out at http://www.3x3links.com/10coolwebtools

There are new tools popping up which make Web Tools such an exciting (and sometimes hard-to-manage) space of the Internet. Being willing to find and try these tools is what being a "lifelong learner" is all about!





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