A Network Connecting School Leaders From Around The Globe
The LI SEL Forum (LI SELF) is dedicated to helping schools create a positive climate while fostering the development of social and emotional skills for adults and students.
Website: http://www.sel.eboard.com
Members: 121
Latest Activity: Jan 26, 2024
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Post your school mental health & wellness initiatives
on the new
LI Creating Well-Being Sharing Site
Long Island schools and mental health organizations have made a long-standing commitment to addressing the mental health and well-being of our students, staff members, caregivers, and community members.
In 2021, the Nassau County Council of School Superintendents’ Mental Health Strategic Planning Committee created a comprehensive guide for school leaders and their mental health teams.
In an effort to share ideas and successful practices, we are now developing the
and welcome submissions from Long Island schools and mental health organizations working with schools.
Initiatives are organized into 5 categories that align with the 2021 Nassau County Mental Health and Wellness Strategic Plan (Guide):
View the Sharing Site and Learn How to Submit YOUR Mental Wellness Initiatives
Direct Link to
Creating Well-Being Sharing Site: https://liself.org/well-being-sharing-site
The Sharing Site Editors are available to speak with you about your initiatives prior to submitting your form. We are also willing to provide brief group Sharing Site presentations in-person or online, at your convenience. Contact us at: Info@Liself.org.
The Long Island Social Emotional Literacy Forum has joined forces with the International Alliance for Invitational Education, providing workshops on positive school climate topics on Long Island and sharing information about positive climate strategies in schools around the world. Please join our new Invitational Education group on School Leadership2.0 to learn more.
Saw this today...rang a bell!! Educators must build relationship, with students, with each other and others...to stay relevant and powerful.
Thank you Mike for always keeping us current - SEL is the framework that provides schools with the strategies and competencies to meet the guidelines set forth for SEL, Ant-bullying and DASA.
I'm excited to announce the LI Lions Quest Initiative!
Distinguish your school community by creating a pro-active, positive school climate withThe LI Lions Quest Initiative!INTEREST MEETINGS:March 12th, Adelphi University, Garden CityorMarch 15th, Western Suffolk BOCES, Wheatley Heights8:30 am - 9:45 am- Attend a FREE interest meeting to learn how to meet the Dignity Act K-12 instruction requirement with the effective and sequential Lions Quest program. This K-12 research based, CASEL "SELECT" program fosters civility, citizenship and character education through social and emotional skill building, bully and substance abuse prevention and service-learning activities. These key elements of positive youth development create a truly safe and supportive learning environment and may be infused easily into any academic or health curriculum.-The interest meetings will provide an opportunity to preview the Lions Quest K-12 SEL curriculum and learn about the Spring and Fall teacher training sessions. Schools that send 5 or more participants to the Spring training sessions (May 1 or June 14 at WS BOCES) will receive priority consideration for a generous Lions Club grant that will provide training and materials at a substantially reduced cost. (BOCES funds may be used for the training.) All schools on Long Island are invited to apply.If you plan to attend one of the FREE March interest meetings, please respond to Joan Fretz at jrfretz@optonline.net and include your name, position, school, email address and which session (March 12th or 15th) you would like to attend. Feel free to contact Joan for further information.FREE INTEREST MEETINGS:March 12th: Adelphi University University Center: 8:30 am - 9:45 pmSouth Street, Garden City, NY: University Center, Room 211March 15th: Western Suffolk BOCES Conference Center: 8:30 am - 9:45 am31 Lee Avenue (off Bagatelle Rd,) Wheatley Heights, NY 11798
Hi Joan! I like the concept of LI SELF. EI training is very important in schools. Having been an educator and staff developer for a number of years, I noticed that there was a lack of professional development for teachers and administrators on this topic. It is so true that we, as teachers and administrators, model behavior that can be duplicated in our classrooms and schools. For this reason, it is important that we are aware of how we treat each other. Students observe our behavioral responses first. Such observation gives one license to duplicate positive or negative behavior patterns. I'm curious to learn who else on Leadership 2.0 has implemented EI into their monthly professional development?
Robin Sampson / First Circle Leaders / www.firstcircleleaders.com
LI SELF is pleased to participate on the new School Leadership 2.0 site. We look forward to connecting with new friends and welcome your questions and ideas for discussion topics.
The LI SEL Forum (LI SELF) is dedicated to sharing information about social and emotional learning (SEL) for both students and school adults. SEL skills include recognizing and managing emotions, caring about others, making good decisions, developing positive relationships and avoiding negative behaviors. Research shows that sequential, direct instruction in SEL also improves academic achievement.
A positive and intentionally inviting school climate is an essential component of a successful SEL initiative. School adults must be able to model the skills and mindsets that we want our students to understand and practice. Positive school climates are created by adults who intentionally model optimism, trust, respect and care in their words and actions. They believe all students are able, valuable and capable of being responsible and provide opportunities for students to realize their full potential.
LI SELF provides educators with information, techniques and strategies for creating optimal learning experiences for all students. As our name suggests, topics include a deeper understanding of SELF Concept and its role in mindset, motivation, effort and choices of behavior.
We believe that learning about the SELF is just as important as learning about curriculum. In the months ahead we will be helping schools develop a proactive, rather than reactive plan for the "Dignity for All Students" Act, which all NY State schools must have in place by July 2012. We welcome your participation. Dignity%20for%20All%20Students%20Act.DOC
School Leadership 2.0 is the premier virtual learning community for school leaders from around the globe. Our community is a subscription based paid service ($19.95/year or only $1.99 per month for a trial membership) which will provide school leaders with outstanding resources. Learn more about membership to this service by clicking one our links below.
Click HERE to subscribe as an individual.
Click HERE to learn about group membership (i.e. association, leadership teams)
You need to be a member of Social Emotional Learning: The LI SEL Forum to add comments!