
More Than a Number

This group is created to provide a continuing forum for those 1200 educators who attended the Feb. 15 Symposium at CW Post "More Than a Number - Is the new NYS Teacher and Principal evaluation system undermining effective teaching and learning?"

Members: 105
Latest Activity: Oct 8, 2018

Related Resources

Click here  to read Principals "Protest" Letter

Click here to write to your elected officials

Click here to contact the Governor

Click here to e-mail members of the Board of Regents

Click here for  Guidance On New York’s Annual Professional Performance Review Law And Regulations

Click here to view the full video of the LIU/CW Post Feb. 15, 2012  "More than a Number" Symposium

Click here to view Gov. Cuomo's Teacher Evaluation Tracker


New York State Teacher and Principal Evaluation 2012-13 and beyond Summary of Revised APPR Provisions

With Anticipated Changes from Enactment of Amendments to Education Law §3012-c Proposed in February 2012 with the Executive Budget and Settlement of Litigation

Click here for full text


View the presentation  about Test Integrity  that the Board of Regents viewed.

The NYS Legislature approved  the APPR bill  ahead of the budget, meaning that it will go into effect as soon as the Governor signs it. The Board of Regents adopted regulatory changes  in order to be consistent. Keep track at the OCM BOCES APPR microsite .

Discussion Forum

18-Year-Old Nikhil Goyal Fires Up the Crowd at the One Voice United Rally

Started by Michael Keany Jun 11, 2013. 0 Replies

You might be very interested to watch this recently posted video clip of Syosset HS graduate Nikhil Goyal as he fired up an Albany crowd at a recent Albany rally protesting high stakes testing.…Continue

Judge Invalidates Florida Evaluations

Started by Michael Keany Aug 25, 2012. 0 Replies

Judge Invalidates Florida EvaluationsAugust 24, 2012 //Diane Ravitch BlogThis just in.The Florida…Continue

Three ed reforms parents should worry about most by Carol Burris

Started by Michael Keany Aug 25, 2012. 0 Replies

Three ed reforms parents should worry about mostBy Valerie StraussThis was written by Carol…Continue


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Comment by Dr. Lynnda M. Nadien on April 12, 2013 at 9:52am

The forum perhaps allowed us an opportunity to vent our feelings, although I am concerned that as building principals we must still follow the protocol established to complete the testing series for the next few weeks. Whether we agree with the protocol, length of the test, or whether we are 'over testing', we are obligated to complete all tasks as per the state., and we must do so with due diligence. We must now work toward some type of action plan as well,  that can streamline this process, perhaps, one day of assessment using a valid assessment tool? At this point, my 222+ test takers are 'ready'! The teachers will be relieved to have completed the next two weeks and I know that we have provided quality instruction to every child to prepare them for this event. Never have we seen such intense media coverage or samples of propaganda related to an elementary school assessment series. Parents are concerned and they do know their rights. I know that 'WE' will all do our best to support our children and it would be wonderful if the state does the same. We deserve more than 'trickery' and 'game playing' at this point. Thank you to the panel for again, having the courage to stand by our educational belief system and support our kids, our parents and our livelihoods!! Maybe we can focus on what we do well for a change?

Comment by lydia Bellino on February 22, 2012 at 6:37pm

Thank you to all who organized this event and for your hard work on behalf of educators.

Comment by Dr. Lynnda M. Nadien on February 16, 2012 at 10:22pm

Proud to be a Principal!

We do make a difference and our voice must be heard! Thank you all for a job well done!

Keep up that energy level!

We will need it!


Comment by Sharon Fougner on February 16, 2012 at 1:24pm
Thank you to all of you who attended the symposium yesterday. It was an honor to be a member of this panel and to have this opportunity to speak about this critical issue.
Comment by Arnold Dodge on February 16, 2012 at 12:23pm

I was so pleased with the "energy" in the vast concert hall last night.   We must now convert this fuel to service the change that we espouse.  Keep the message strong: Regardless of any "deals" made about this misbegotten initiative, we will not endorse any plan that reduces our profession to a number.

Comment by Joseph C. Dragone on February 16, 2012 at 11:31am

I am absolutely amazed that the "point person" for Governor Cuomo on Public Education got his "background" from Teach for America, a program that espouses the idea that teachers can simply walk into a classroom and start teaching with no pedagogical training, and our "commissioner" of education who is responsible for public education got his "background" from the charter school movement.  A friend of mine described the situation in public education in New York State as akin to "The Music Man" - the "band leaders" who don't know how to play an "instrument" hijacking our profession!  My simple suggestion to Regent Tilles - for immediate and measurable improvement in public education in New York State, fire John King today and replace him tomorrow with any one of the seven people who were on the stage yesterday!

Comment by Dianne Pari on February 16, 2012 at 10:51am

We need to take the time to write letters/ emails to our local elected officials who are more likely to pay attention to our concerns as parents, citizens, educators. We must write to the Regents (not Tilles) and governor and president.  If they received one thousand letters that includes all of those stories about how teachers are a positive influence in students' lives, then maybe they will begin to listen. Or, send them the stories of how test results do not measure a teacher's effectiveness and how the weather, or family life, or frequent absences, or illness or emotional distress or confusing multiple choice questions or.... impact test scores.  We need to change the public's perceptions since they seem to support the Governor and the Regents.

Comment by Regina Lowenstein Broten on February 16, 2012 at 8:51am

A sad consequence of APPR is the difficulty of getting cooperating teachers to take teacher candidates into their classrooms for their field experiences. 

Comment by Betsy Salemson on February 15, 2012 at 8:49pm
Are we creating a movement? How do we get the attention of the governor and the regents?
Comment by Mary C. Coleman on February 15, 2012 at 8:21pm
This was an interesting and informative session. I wish that those who don't understand the real impact of APPR on education could hear this.

Members (104)





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