Ed.D Students (Past & Present)


Ed.D Students (Past & Present)

We envision this as a community for current Ed.D students to have dialogue with other doctoral students and past doctoral students. This may be a good place for people to share and test ideas, research interests and methodology.   

Members: 121
Latest Activity: Sep 30, 2019

Discussion Forum

Teachers’ Perceptions About Principal Leadership Qualities Survey

Started by Theresa Curry Nov 13, 2018. 0 Replies

Good Afternoon,I hope this finds you well and having a wonderful school year. I was hoping to ask if you would please consider responding to my survey for my doctoral dissertation.Your time and…Continue

Six Ways to Separate Lies From Statistics By Betsey Stevenson & Justin Wolfers

Started by Michael Keany May 14, 2013. 0 Replies

Just added to the discussion section of our group's page.Continue

Six Ways to Separate Lies From Statistics By Betsey Stevenson & Justin Wolfers

Started by Michael Keany May 14, 2013. 0 Replies

Six Ways to Separate Lies From StatisticsBy Betsey Stevenson & Justin Wolfers May 1, 2013 …Continue

The Ed.D. Dilemma - Why Harvard's decision could harm the quest for teacher professionalism

Started by Michael Keany. Last reply by James Joseph Memola Jr Jul 5, 2012. 2 Replies

The Ed.D. DilemmaWhy Harvard's decision could harm the quest for teacher professionalismBy Ted PurintonPremium article access courtesy of Edweek.org.Ed WeekIn the world of traditional American…Continue

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Comment by Michelle Grace on August 14, 2018 at 2:27pm

Good Afternoon,

I am a doctoral candidate.  I am currently performing a pre-test with my instrument.  This is to fine tune it for my study.  If you are a middle school principal, assistant principal, or middle school administrator in any capacity and have experience on Long Island, in Westchester County, or Rockland County and would like to participate in my survey, please respond below.

Thank you for your time!

Comment by Adam M. Chagares on May 25, 2015 at 2:34pm

Dear Colleague:

As an educator who has worked in both well- and low-performing schools, I have seen how important it is for students to be taught by highly effective teachers. I am conducting this survey as part of my doctoral dissertation in order to better understand how certain factors might influence the decisions of teachers like yourself to consider transferring from a well-performing school to a low-performing school.

This survey is anonymous, and neither you nor your school will be identified in any way. It should take only about 15 to 20 minutes to complete, and it just asks you to answer a few short questions about how you might respond to eight hypothetical teaching positions. It also asks for some general information about you, so your responses can be reported in patterns with other teachers with similar backgrounds. The survey also invites you to offer any other insights you would like to share about factors that might influence teachers in well-performing schools to transfer to other schools.

This survey can be accessed at teacherchoice.edresearch.us. In addition to participating in the survey, please feel free to forward this to any teachers who you feel might be interested in participating.

If you have any questions regarding this survey or my study please email me at Adam.Chagares2@my.LIU.edu or my dissertation director, Dr. Paula E. Lester, at Paula.Lester@LIU.edu. If you have questions concerning your rights as a subject you may contact the Executive Secretary of the Institutional Review Board, Ms. Patricia Harvey at (516) 299-3591.

Adam Chagares, M.S., A.B.D.
Doctoral Candidate and Study Director
Long Island University, LIU Post

Comment by Robert C. Minott, Ed.D on June 14, 2013 at 11:51am

I am currently in the Ed.D program a William Howard Taft. Are any members in, or graduates of this program?

Comment by Joseph Lemke on May 2, 2013 at 7:36am

Dear Colleague:


As an historian, social studies teacher, and school administrator, I am interested in the role of the teacher over time, as it is perceived by experienced teachers. My doctoral dissertation research focuses on the professional views and personal insights of teachers concerning the role of the teacher — both in terms of those elements that have remained constant across time and those that have been changing over the years.

I am seeking the views of in-service teachers with three or more years of experience.  If you are willing to share a few minutes of your valuable time, please complete and / or forward this brief, anonymous, online survey to any teacher colleagues who might be interested in participating. 

You can access the survey at http://teachers.netsurveys.us.

I will be very grateful for your participation in my dissertation research.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss the survey, please send me an email at joseph.lemke@edresearch.us.

Joseph S. Lemke, Doctoral Candidate and Study Director
Long Island University, LIU Post Campus
College of Education, Information, and Technology

Comment by Joseph A. Coladonato, Ed.D on March 5, 2013 at 8:39pm

Dear Colleague,

I am in the process of completing my dissertation for the doctorate of education and I am asking for your help.  My name is Joseph Coladonato, and I am teacher of history and English at the Willets Road School in East Williston.  
I know how precious our time is these days, but I was wondering if you would be willing to help me out by taking a very different type of survey and share it with your colleagues in yournetwork, home district, and other Listservs.
The study is going well but it is necessary to have a representative sample so that I can limit my sampling bias.

The survey could be completed by teachers and administrators on Long Island.  The link is below and includes all the details.  Please follow the directions carefully.  Thank you very much for considering this survey.



If you are willing to share this link with other teachers and administrators on Long Island, please copy and paste the following message in an email to distribute.

Dear Colleague,

My name is Joseph Coladonato, and I am currently a teacher in the East Williston Union Free School District. I am also a doctoral candidate at Long Island University's Post Campus. Currently, I am conducting a doctoral study called Attitudes about Second-Career Teachers: An Exploratory Q Study of School Administrators and Classroom Teachers.

I am respectfully requesting your help as a teacher or administrator on Long Island. My anonymous survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and may be done on any Internet accessible computer.  Participating in this survey is completely voluntary. 

Please click on the link, and follow the directions.



Joseph Coladonato

Comment by Dr. Franklin N. Caesar on December 31, 2011 at 11:10am
I remember working on my dissertation for what seemed like unbelievable hours! The accomplishment was well worth it. I think focusing my "eyes on the prize" was the key.
Comment by Alesia Holewinski on September 19, 2011 at 1:57pm
I am in the doctoral program through St. Johns, and will defend this Thursday Sept. 22.   I agree with Jean.. the mentor can make/break the process for you.  Part of this process has been, for me, about the journey.  Focus and dedication to a personal goal through the struggles has been one of the most rewarding experiences for me.  Just remember as you go through it " if it were easy... everyone would do it.."  Feel free to contact me about the process.  Really... for me it was life changing.
Comment by Dr. Lynnda M. Nadien on July 12, 2011 at 8:51pm

This is an area I was also curious about, as I thought I had little experience, however, think about this...as a building principal, I am preparing budgets, organizing budget lines, auditing, collecting and managing funds etc. The principal is doing so much in terms of managing funds-it is quite amazing! We actually create our budget binder with requests for personnel, equipment etc. The point is, you may have done

some of this already, or you may be doing it now! My suggestion is to perhaps shadow a business official for a day or meet to discuss some of your interests. I have a feeling you know more than you think you do!! Plus, I do think the building business official is a critical position in any school district so read about the qualifications, and research the development of budget lines, and how to create a budget for a school district-since fiscal responsibility is critical, strong leaders will be needed-so research and talk to people-learn all you can---Lynnda

Comment by Grace Gonzalez-Alfaro on July 12, 2011 at 5:30pm
I have just completed my coursework and once I pass the comprehensive exam, I will begin my dissertation proposal. I recently realized that I have very little knowledge in regards to administrative fiscal responsibilities. While pursuing my SAS, the topic was merely touched upon. Has aynone had the same experience and what advice can you share with me in regards to gaining this very needed knowledge?
Comment by Dr. Lynnda M. Nadien on June 1, 2011 at 12:45pm

All doctoral candidates must work on a strong literature review! Be sure to read and research about your topic on a daily basis. Even 15 minutes per day in the early stages will assist you in staying on target. When you have completed your course work and are well into the research phase, you will be very happy that you have references in order and are able to frame your topic more specifically! Stay focused--Discuss-what is the real purpose of a strong literature review?



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