21st Century Skills & 21st Century Learning


21st Century Skills & 21st Century Learning

Recently, there has been heightened interest in 21st century learning. What is 21st century learning? How to operationalize it? Where are the promising practices?

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Latest Activity: Jan 3, 2023


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Comment by Elliott Seif on January 3, 2023 at 8:42am

21st century learning improves with a positive, growth oriented learning environment, teaching for understanding and for learning vital skills, promoting independent learning, and enlarging student experience. How to do all this? Go to my website for more info - blogs, resources, webinar, book info (Tchg for Lifelong Learning) and more. At www.lifelonglearninged.org

Comment by Elliott Seif on July 25, 2021 at 12:47pm

If you are interested in 21st century learning, you might want to take a look at my new book, "Teaching for Lifelong Learning: How to Prepare Students for a Changing World" (Solution Tree Press, 2021). I will also be sharing blogposts from time to time that focus on how to build a school culture, goals, instructional framework, assessments, and curriculum to support 21st century learning.

Comment by Than Nguyen on January 8, 2014 at 5:03pm

Education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics needs to be strengthened. Our colleges and universities are not graduating enough students with strong science degrees, computer science or otherwise. Graduates with the right kinds of backgrounds for data scientist – computer science, statistics, machine learning – are coming out of the universities, but they are not coming out in sufficient numbers. As a result, firms are struggling to hire full-time or contract staff for IT and engineering positions. In working with IT staffing agencies, I know it's important to know their true professional goals. Help them achieve their growth goals and help them establish a career growth path.
Than Nguyen
Headhunters Dallas Tx

Comment by Stuart Chandler on January 7, 2014 at 11:33am

As an elementary curriculum specialist, I've tried to pull together complex ideas into one-pagers for teachers who are just beginning to examine how 21st Century Skills provide a lens for teaching/instruction/teacher's role and learning/student's role. I hope these are useful for anyone looking for this type of tool or creation.  Because I support elementary social studies, there are instances where wording takes on a social studies lens.

  1. Collaboration
  2. Creativity and Invention
  3. Critical Thinking and Reasoning
  4. Information Literacy
  5. Self-Direction
Comment by Payal Mahajan on May 20, 2013 at 10:00pm

Where I live, this is increasing by leaps and bounds...much to the frustration of teachers. Some of the 21st century competencies need to be inculcated among parents as well- many schools here regularly hold interactive sessions with parents to win them over as partners.


Comment by Sidney B. Gilman on December 4, 2012 at 11:22am

11th and 12th graders should take a course in the healthcare field either onlne or at a local college or university.

Healthcare is one of the few areas where there are jobs.

Even if the student is preparing for college, it's a good idea.

If the student will attend college from home or if he/she plans to go away to a college or university, it's a good idea. There are healthcare jobs in almost every college town.

And what college kid doesn't need a few extra bucks?

Students and parents should look at Condensed Curriculum International.


They have been offering healthcare certificate courses since 1993.

Sidney B. Gilman, Registered Pharmacist


Comment by Kristen Romond on June 7, 2012 at 5:45pm

I have been doing a lot of work in my LOTE classes in Middle School in preparing my students to become the 21st century learners they will need to be as they enter High School.  I find that even though they are extremely "net-savy" they still need to learn and practice the basics of proper nettiquette, how to browse and upload a file, and how to post a possitive and informative response in a discussion forum so as to continue the conversations.

        I find that it is exciting for them and myself as they discover new ways of expressing themselves digitally, especially in a foreign language. I've been using Moodle for two years now and have broadened my methods of use through vocal recordings and audio downloads, both student and teacher created. The most challenging part is to find the time to explore all the great resources that the students often send me for extra credit that relate to the topics in class and on the site. 

      Plus, as APPR and data collection is really going to have an impact on more content areas; I have a year's worth of written and spoken responses for all of my classes at my fingertips, and it is so wonderful to have the students go back and reflect on what they've noticed they've improved on, and how they could still improve. How great is that!?!

Comment by David A. Gamberg on March 25, 2011 at 12:29pm
Having Lee Crockett present to the staff and community in Southold about 21st Century Learning was inspiring and will stimulate an ongoing dialogue to all stakeholders.
Comment by Teh-yuan Wan, Ph.D. on March 22, 2011 at 11:01pm

Thanks for sharing, Sue.  I wished they videoed the presentations and would share it in a place like here.  Here is a link to the video on what Rochester City School District has been doing to create 21st century learning environment with their EETT Competitive Grants and let me know your reaction to it.


IT and IM&T Movie   or  (http://www.rcsdk12.org/it)



Comment by Dr. Cheryl Scheidet on February 12, 2011 at 1:20pm
I am very interested in how the new APPR regulations will effect teaching and learning. I am hopeful the change will be positive.

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