I had a little extra time today and thought I’d come-up with a short-and-sweet “The Best…” list sharing places that provide information on education-related grants.
All of these are very similar in that they list different available grants, deadlines to apply, and links for getting additional information, so I won’t describe them individually. And, except for one, they’re all free!
My picks for The Best Places To Learn About Education Grants are (in no particular order):
* e School News Grants & Funding Alert (costs $35 per year)
* Scholastic has a Grants and Funding section, which also includes helpful grantwriting tips. What Do Winning Proposals Have In Common? is a particularly useful article on their site.
* And, last but not least, there’s Donors Choose.
* Fundraising and Grant Resources for Tech Integration is a useful article from Edutopia.
* Edutopia also has a recorded Webinar: “The Fundamentals of Funding: How to Identify, Write, and Submit Gr...
7 Places to Get Free Supplies or Money for Your Classroom is an excellent post by Richard Byrne.
If you found this list helpful, you might want to see the other over one-hundred-seventy ones, too.