Surgeon General: Why I’m Calling for a Warning Label on Social Media Platforms

NY Times

June 17, 2024

By Vivek H. Murthy

Summary for Educators: Surgeon General's Call for Warning Labels on Social Media

Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, the Surgeon General, highlights the urgent need to address the mental health crisis among young people, emphasizing social media as a significant contributor. Adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media are at double the risk of experiencing anxiety and depression. In 2023, the average daily use in this age group was 4.8 hours, with nearly half reporting negative impacts on body image.

Dr. Murthy calls for a Surgeon General’s warning label on social media platforms to alert parents and adolescents to the potential mental health harms associated with excessive use. Evidence from tobacco studies shows that warning labels can increase awareness and change behavior. A recent survey indicated that 76% of Latino parents would limit or monitor their children’s social media use if such warnings were in place.

While a warning label alone won't make social media safe, Dr. Murthy's advisory from the previous year included specific recommendations for policymakers, platforms, and the public. These measures, which enjoy bipartisan support, aim to shield young people from online harassment, abuse, and exposure to harmful content. Legislation should also prevent platforms from collecting sensitive data from children and restrict features like push notifications and infinite scroll, which contribute to excessive use.

Furthermore, social media companies must share all health effects data with independent scientists and the public and allow safety audits to ensure accountability. Schools should create phone-free environments for learning and social time, and parents should establish phone-free zones around bedtime, meals, and social gatherings. It's recommended that parents delay their children's access to social media until after middle school and collaborate with other families to set shared rules.

Public health leaders, doctors, nurses, and the federal Kids Online Health & Safety Task Force must continue to advocate for healthier digital environments for young people. Parents often feel helpless against the pervasive influence of social media, as illustrated by stories like that of Lori from Colorado, whose teenage daughter took her life after being bullied online despite Lori's diligent monitoring.

The article draws parallels with past public health victories, such as mandatory seatbelts and product recalls, arguing that similar decisive action is needed to protect children from the harms of social media. The moral test of any society is how well it protects its children, and now is the time to act on the expertise and resources available to make social media safe.

For more detailed information, visit the original article: Surgeon General: Why I’m Calling for a Warning Label on Social Medi....

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