State schools testing boss David Abrams up and quits amid reading test flap

Uproar over plan to increase exam by four hours that was prematurely sent out

Thursday, December 1 2011

School Testing
Martin Shields/Getty Images
The state's schools testing boss abruptly resigned Tuesday, after prematurely releasing details of a controversial plan to lengthen reading exams to a mind-numbing four hours.

Dan Abrams sent an e-mail memo announcing the plan to school leaders and district superintendents before getting approval.

David Abrams, the assistant commissioner in the state education department’ s Office of Standards, Assessment and Reporting, resigned shortly after the Daily News reported on the proposed changes.

Abrams sent an e-mail memo announcing the plan to school leaders and district superintendents Monday — without the approval of state Education Commissioner John King.

The note outlined a plan to double the length of reading tests to more than four hours for grades 3 to 8.

It was met with fierce criticism from teachers and parents, who say kids already spend too much time testing.

Department spokesman Dennis Tompkins said the test details were e-mailed in error before being properly vetted.

Asked why Abrams quit, Tompkins said he couldn’ t “discuss personnel matters.”

An updated version of the memo will be released soon, Tompkins said.

The state’ s testing system underwent major reforms in 2010, after doubts were raised over its reliability.

The News first reported the new reading test reforms on Monday— after details of the plan were posted on the department’s website.

They were removed a short time later.

Abrams couldn’t be reached for comment.

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FOUR HOURS?!? IN THE 3rd GRADE?  Has the world gone berserk?

Once again the folks up at State Ed put the cart before the horse.  Sounds alot like how the rolled out APPR and the Common Core Standards curriculum changes!

Several years ago I may have been surprised, but these days at state Ed there's not much they could do to supersize me.

I do not understand why he quit.  He was just building the plane while in the air....





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