A Network Connecting School Leaders From Around The Globe
4 Browning St. St. James, NY 11780 (631) 786- 5261 melissa.stencel@yahoo.com
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please accept this letter and résumé for the position of school guidance counselor. I have been actively working as a school guidance counselor and I meet the requirements for certification in school counseling.
I am currently employed as a guidance counselor, where I work closely with students and counselors. I have been actively involved in implementing character education, anti-bullying, and social skills programs, as well as, helping students achieve academically through individual and group counseling sessions. Through my position as a school guidance counselor, I have learned that counselors are integral to the entire educational process, and will support the staff and the administration in fostering a positive school environment. Being a part of a dedicated team of professional counselors, administrators, teachers, and clinicians has given me real hands on experience as a school counselor.
In addition, I have received excellent training from my previous positions within the higher education field, working with students in various capacities. From those opportunities, I have gained essential counseling skills that have enabled me to be well-suited to meet the various needs of the students within your school and community. I believe that my unique background in higher education, along with my experience in school counseling, has given me a tremendous amount of familiarity working with students.
I am a highly dedicated and motivated individual, who believes that social, emotional, and intellectual development is critical to a student’s academic success. I have strong organizational and interpersonal skills and I am extremely flexible. I am comfortable working with others and I do not mind putting in long hours to accomplish a task. I am confident that I am well-qualified for this position and will be a tremendous asset to your staff.
I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my qualifications in greater depth.
Melissa Stencel
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